Směrovací protokoly pro ztrátové bezdrátové síte

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Tato práce zkoumá vhodnost a požadavky návrhu simulací pro simulátor NS-3 pro případ bezdrátových sítí používaných v měřící infrastruktuře společnosti Kamstrup. V práci jepopsán simulátor NS-3 a je vytvořena základní implementace dvou protokolů. WirelessM-Bus jako příklad jednosměrného protokolu pro zařízení napájené z baterií. Simulace Wireless M-Bus je porovnána s daty naměřenými v reálném systému. NS-3 poskytuje flexibilní prostředí pro vývoj simulací různých síťových protokolů, včetně těch určených pro sítě inteligentních měřidel.

Vydal: FEKT VUT Brno Autor: Zenon Kuder

Strana 13 z 44

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Addition- ally, thanks the aggregation technique described above, Node objects can be associated with other objects, such mobility model, that can used to define the position and movement certain Node. To achieve this, the derived classes Application may either create whole packets and exchange them directly with the lower layer models, gradually build packets including their headers using specific model for each layer. general, this class used interface between the network layer and the device-specific functions, the higher layer models can switched and reused for different devices. Devices and applications can associated with a Node object similar way the real world and Node keeps list of pointers all the associated Application and NetDevice objects.Fig. For example, certain Channel model could implemented work both with Node objects that have their position set via Mobility model, and with ones that not. The Channel and the NetDevice have to compatible type. Using aggregation enables the simulation stay flexible implementation of certain model can check object given type aggregated its Node and able handle different scenarios. Channel abstraction the medium available the node, typically wire or 13 . They are all representened respective C++ classes and their meanings are: Node represents node the network topology, or, more specifically, computer or device the network. Application class specifies the functionality for Node.1: Diagram the basic blocks NS-3 network simulations: Node, Application, Channel and NetDevice. Many existing protocol stacks NS-3 introduce separate Phy and Mac classes to model the respective layers when interfacing NetDevice and Channel. The choice depends the desired realism the simulation and design preference. Its main purpose there- fore generating and replying traffic. 2. NetDevice represents network interface and enables Node objects communicate with each other over given Channel. This especially useful for the Internet protocol suite