Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce |
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Tato práce zkoumá vhodnost a požadavky návrhu simulací pro simulátor NS-3 pro případ bezdrátových sítí používaných v měřící infrastruktuře společnosti Kamstrup. V práci jepopsán simulátor NS-3 a je vytvořena základní implementace dvou protokolů. WirelessM-Bus jako příklad jednosměrného protokolu pro zařízení napájené z baterií. Simulace Wireless M-Bus je porovnána s daty naměřenými v reálném systému. NS-3 poskytuje flexibilní prostředí pro vývoj simulací různých síťových protokolů, včetně těch určených pro sítě inteligentních měřidel.
NS-3 models are abstract representations real-world objects, protocols, devices
etc. Both downcasting and getting the aggregated objects are done using
the NS-3 method GetObject(). One
Node has NetDevice for both them, the two others are only connected one
of the types. The choice which aspects simulate and how faithfully major
concern when creating and using models. The diagram shows example
where there are two types Channel used (e.
A short overview few other open-source network simulators the Ap-
pendix The NS-3 simulator was chosen the most mature one with potential
for stable future development.g.
In addition the above, NS-3 defines concept Node, Application,
a Channel, NetDevice and Topology Helpers aid developing simulations and
implementing models [3]. [2] general, these representations are implemented classes, sets classes,
with given interface that are programmed mimic certain aspects the real
. That approach helps modularity because one model does
not need keep pointer other model’s object given type, instead just
keeps the callback reference.1 Simulation Model Design
The NS-3 architecture event-driven, i. Application can use any Channel depending the address and
its function. wired and wireless channel)
and therefore two types NetDevice have exist, will explained below. Down-
casting allows retrieve pointer derived class using pointer its base
(parent) class.The design NS-3 also allows run real-time while connected virtual
machines running real networking stacks.e. the simulation, broadly speaking, consists
of functions that schedule other functions run certain time. The simula-
tion engine manages the proper order the execution and offers comprehensive
framework for managing the execution and defining new simulation scenarios using
the existing models.
A diagram their relations the Figure 2.
2. [1]
To achieve high level modularity and flexibility, callbacks, downcasting and
object aggregation are supported NS-3 and are widely used the models. Aggregation two objects allows the programmer to
retrieve pointer one the objects using the pointer the other. Topology Helpers are not included the diagram. Call-
backs allow functions passed parameters and are often used set up
inter-layer data exchange. important choose the right balance
between the desired accuracy and complexity and speed.1