Scientific American 1941

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Thomas A. Edison's Latest Invention A Storage Battery Designed and Constructed from the Automobile User's Point of View ...

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Louis, Mo. Send for our Special Offer ! ------ ------ --- fiutomobile Running Gears WITH PRESSED STEEL ANGLE IRON FRAMES Also all styles bodies. trolyte because the latter constant, chemically, electrically and physically. 361 roadway, New ork, or 625 Street, Washington, C. Accepted the authority. L O.. Price cents mail. GILSON MFG. ''''ashing . regard to securing valid patent protpction for their in­ v Trade-:llarks and CopyrightM registered. Sold all garages, auto supply dealers, hardware and general stores-10c. LA FAYETTE, IND."��;::;;·1J-Neatest, simplest and be,t on Ithe market.. It will not run out and leave contact points dry. TOOL MAKERS, EXPER I· M ENTAL PAIR WO ETC. Ours the Oldest agency for securing patents ; it was established over sixty-five years ago. Garages, Repair and General Jobbing Shops find this the ideal lathe for their work.01' for Mechanics find Tradesmen. vehicle manufacturer using the battery reports that charged ex· hausted battery A·4 cellR the rate of 100 amperes for short tin1('., Manufacturers, 417 West 15th SI. State your requirement\> and get our adVIse. D WAT MOTOR . illustrated article published in Scientific meric. Lowest fuel cost for runs Gasoline, Kerosene- Distillate, Gas Alcohol and has perfect ubrication., 507 Olive Street, St.50, cnsh with or­ d(·r. J\dive Ag'ents wanted., L'". THE EDISON CONCRETE HOUSE q How constructed.ven any inventor furnishing with model sketch and a brief description the device question. On account the low voltage the cell, a vehicle battery given voltage must contain larger number cells than a lead battery, twenty-fonr lead cells being equivalent forty the nickel-iron cells of same ampere-hour capacity but the low voltage and comparatively high in· ternal resistance are disadvantageo1ls from the purely electrical rather than the vehicle point view., Dept., 308 Park St., 1 Legal Notices IN VENTORS are Invited communicate with Munn o.. , concern. The Express System Saves Money. Don't take the side shows and miss the main show i the big tent. The element made very com,;;act. Established 1872. Ball­ bearing, safety starting handles for all makes cars. Please mention the Scientific American when writing- advertisers through wide range, and may far hig]her than would safe with the lead battery. 361 Broadway, New York WHAI ONE MAGNETO OIL ? January 4. BORBEIN AUTO CO. Send for catalo. St. 625 Wash . stated that the cell im· proves use, instead deteriorating, and the company guarantees renew 3 One clear oil compound absolutely pure with just enough body oil perfectly the most delicate or sensitive action point. MO�M. STAI-:'RETT CO. DE P'T , /"'K'# TAPES AND RULES ARE THE BEST.!!!_ and B K TYPES FOR MARINE AUTOMOBILE and STA· TIONARY ENGINES SEND FOR LAT EST BULLETIN 557 THE flOLTZER-CABOT ELECTRIC CO. Write once for generous sample bottle and Magneto Bulletin. oxclusively the manufacture 2. Our IIand-Book Patents will sent free on request.r MUNN COMPANY, Inc. Order from your newsdealer from . Only pel'feet small motor made. Esb. YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKE YOU NOT WRITE FOR INFORMATIQN. ('at nlog free. Arrane-ed for Steam or Foot Power, Velocipede or Stand-up rrreadle. Try One. One boy does the work four men. DETROIT. A. Y. The Sebastian Lathe Co•• 120 Culvert SI. 3 One contains carbon residue, foreign matter, acid, impurities like all cylinder (mineral) oils. From 9-in. bottles. BABBITT METALS. In this "can electricity" the solution s a mere liquid carrier ions-it has, O t speak, moods and tenses its own to catered the battery user. Send fOl Catalog I>o. , 4" Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All communications are strictly confidential. "Boosting charges"-given a vehicle battery when partially dis· charged, carry through a longer _period than its prescribed day's work-may given for hour's run at a rate two three times the normal charging rate and regular charge may be completed hurry starting at a high rate and gradually dpcreasing the rate. THE POWER CONTRACTOR'S FAVORITE ENGINE. Improved bucket wheel construction. CO. i\'1ounted on wheels o�· tonl ls. Eight sharp cut­ tmg edges. BAR . For user:" Blue Print Paper pply Lanting Machines for making blue print paper linen. ���. l\Ionev b:lcl;; for allY reason. HOLTZER-CABOT GAS ENGINE JUMP SPARK and M.00. CRAY MOTOR CO. Send for Lathe Catalog. each ' brought in- Istantly into u,e bal joint . how much it will cost, practical from archi· tecturaI and engineering standpoint ? These and other important questions relating the structure are discussed good, thorough. a ONE OIL COMPANY, BROADWAY, New York City. with provision for circulation elec. ]8-B. Write/orcatalogue once, mentioning thispaper. In estimating the true commercial efficiency of road-vehicle transportation, the ton· miles obtained must compared with the total cost operation the vehi- cle, with due allowance for all-around reo liability. Connections between the cells a battery and with the external cfrcuit are made means heavy niCKel-plated copper·wire connectors, with steel lugs swaged the ends and fitting the taper terminal posts. Lowest cost because it delivers greatest available power per horse. Ruby St., LEIB ST. Yearly subscription, $3.. Louis, Mo.. sYz single cylinder. Order yonI' motor hom dealer from us. CO.,an Supplement 685. 25c. Equip Your Car With the "Webster" Safely Starting Handle, positive its action, absolutely prevents injury from back-kicks, adopted part 0/regular equipmentfor lco cars. THE SEBASTIAN IS-INCH ENGINE LATHE HIGH GRADE LOW PRICE Automobile Builders. With engines llorse powerR. (I'or sale everywhere. CIENTTFTC A:\I ERTCAN Sf' PP1. any battery any time for half the CO'lt bearing of new battery.l:ulC>. The nature the support rna· terials and the method applying the active material the plates enable the cell stand dead short circuits without injury. Easily lucked or released turning handle. Price cents. Sent FREE" A. 1492-4 in. EMEXT 23. engine made has wide range use. In charging, the rate can varied 3 One not too heavy-will positively not gum clog, collect dust dirt, harden dry out. 1 for complete catalog today••teU8 all about how these high grade lilotors are built tbe largost plant the world devoted. Manufactured the The Ke)Jstone Safety Starling Handle Co."w York and London. - Every User Blue Prints Should Investigate the New EXPRESS System Blue Printing Automatic, saves half the cost. MIC . THE TEMPLE PUMP CO. W. The Bible ofthe aero enthusiast, experi­ menter, builder, aviator and advertiser.cyc1e motorS., ROCKFORD, h., 2109 North Ninth St. four cylinder. water during long periods the life t>f the cell. l3-in. Scale drawings of mac hine, construction details, subscribers' forum. Strong, sirupie and durable. The cost of charging current, and hence also the ef· ficiency its recovery the discharge circuit, minor part the total ex· pense operating the vehicle and the low electrical efficiency the battery s offset its extremely light weight­ which 'not only lightens the construction of the vehicle, but increases the propor· tion "paying load" carried the same -and its ruggedness service. makes Blue Prints, Black Prints and Brown Prints. in. swin�. A E-For Sixty Ye:m' the Standard the WOJ'ld for Quality. Starts easier and quicker than any other eng:ine, occupies less space, is ess cum bersome, with less vibration, therefore adapting for either stationary, portable traction use. . I TilE J"., and all newsdeal ers.00 SI'JIId tor 232 page catalog No., Philadelphia, Pa. slow speed, high duty engine.. For sale uno Co• Inc. ALOE CO. Any mechanic can opprat e them easi Send for eatalol!..-SIX IMPORTA� T formulas. M Broadway, New York B ranch Office. pipe, Ibs., 50c. 'Publishers '1. Sag naw; ich A., Chicago, This our 58th year. WE LL DRILLING MACHINES Over sizes and 8tyles, for rilling either deep or shallow wells any kind soi rock. BIotor for grmding, polishing, fans, sewing mtwhines for Doctors, Dl'ntists, Urn;!' �:)��:Il��l�d;�lfe!�$e;:'����f9���ei�� i �:�· tor and pulle:v 'olll)� $2. SENECA FALLS MFG. -Whereas the lead cell the constitu­ tion (proportions acid and water) con· ductivity and specific gravity all undergo definite changJe during the cycle of charge and discharge, the Edison cell these ql,lalities remain unaltered. 1\[0(.blisbed 18IiO-ALOl<: Civil Engineering and Surveying Instruments DRA WING MATERIALS SIJPPLIES B . "FREE" Write for Catalogue., Port Washington, Wis. Senel )'onr water pres;;nre and silt supply pipe.• 46 "St " Foot aml ar Power Screw Cutting Au��t LathesFOR FINE, ACCURATE WORK Send for Catalogue B. and states that pays better put over . 918 Chestnut St. PRICE 11<1. Let explain. Both free. WILLIAMS, BROWN EARLE, Ine. pipe. two cylinder. connection.iliu(', in.water pres­ sure; lbs., Athol. /). Catalog free. S ENTI AME RICAN A ttache(J sny water faucet will deyelop lip to according: s i ze pipe and W:ltB!' pre!;,�llre. pressure, in. Don't scoff. Patents and 11 Paten secured. Bill' THELOWESTCOSTENGINE ��{!i�\�;:�leasIest e machine operates, delivering steadier power than any other gasolIne engine, adapting especially for operating farm machinery, with better results and least waste grain. 695 Water Street, Seneca Falls, Y. A., Cincinnati, Ohio Fon G NSMITHS. ]6.l1lal'. A Free Opinion the probable patenta­ bility iTlventi�n will readily gi. 1).L, Write for Free Sample Manufactured by T Y C CO. Net price $5, cas witlt orrle-l'. 3 One not too light properly lubricate and keep lubricated any bearing (ballbearing ordinary bearing).. \-Vorl{s day NigJlt-makes prints any lenvth. WilliAMS BROS Ithaca