Scientific American 1941

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Thomas A. Edison's Latest Invention A Storage Battery Designed and Constructed from the Automobile User's Point of View ...

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. The can is sheet steel, with corrugated walls The neg]ative iron-oxide plates, of the same length and width the posi- ': tive plates, consist grid three rows eight flat, rectangular pockets, each perforated like the tubes the posi­ tive plate with fine holes permit con­ tact the electrolyte with the active I material.1 Please mention the Soientifio American when writing advertiser/! .. The metal the cell all nickel­ plated iron, that pure nickel surface is everywhere presented, protecting the metal from rust corrosion. assembled vehicle battery claimed The thin nickel flake formed an weig]h not much more than half much ingenious machine which deposits alter­ as lead battery the same output- nate electro-platings copper and a 64-cell battery for one-ton truck nickel, the copper being dissolved out weighing 900 pounds, compared with subsequently. The ter­ minal-post stuffing boxes, the gas valve I which separates entrained electrolyte ; from the spraying the gas charging, ' and prevents from escaping, and the filling aperture with its automatic spring] cap, are water-tig]ht, prevent the i leakage electrolyte service.. The can embossed places considerable distance above the bot- : to receive hard-rubber buttons, main- tom the cell, the lead storage tain slight separation air-gap be- cell, prevent short circuiting the tween adjacent cans, and anchor the plates the falling the active ma­ can its proper place the wood terial the bottom the jar.21 Normal discharge rate, 11mperes 30 Average voltage normal rme 2 Ratefl ampere-hour out- put 150 Rate(! watt-hour outpn! 18\) 13� 13� 19. Since that time they have purchased over cars, all equipped with Edison Batteries.andard a8sembled bat� tery 14. This construe;­ tion one the radical improvements over the old Edison cell. A-B. A-S. will sufficient, there­ fore, describe the A-4 cell. The battery has the autogenous method after the e]e- Re-sales tell the story of superiority of The Ne·w Edison Storage Battery Whether you are user pros­ pective user electric vehicles, either pleasure commercial, read through this chain evidence : The Adams Express Company, seven years ago replaced lead battery equipment four oftheir delivery trucks, with Edison equipment.. The Batteries operating these cars have all been service over a period from four seven years . Macy Company have been oper­ ating seventeen Edison Battery equipped cars for the past three and half years.. The positive plates, con­ taining the positive nickel-hYdrate ac­ tive material, consist grid nickel­ plated steel, holding little tubes packed with the active material.00 20 .. The Edison built withstand the most intense vibration and rough usage.. requires less care and attention than any other bat­ tery and its life many times that of the lead battery. Four the foremost electric pleasure vehicles are now regularly equipped with Storage Battery-­ Detroit, Bailey, Baker, and Waverly... There are also manufactured two cells with smaller plates, for ignition and other light work, the B-2 and B-4 cells, rated at and ampere-hours respectively... I lowing parts The can, sheet steel receptacle containing the element and electrolyte, and having top fitted with stuffing boxes for the positive and nega­ tive terminal posts, and with gas valve and filling aperture the element, con­ Sisting group positive plates con­ taining the nickel active material and connected multiple with the positive terminal nickel-plated steel bolt and nuts, the group being intermeshed with a group negative plates containing the iron active material and similarly con­ nected multiple and with the nega­ tive terminal and the electrolyte, con­ sisting] per cent solution pure potassium hydrate (caustic potash) 'm distilled water.00 . The ment assembled the can. . The United States Express Company have been operating twenty-five vehicles with Edison Battery for several years. Outside measurement Zih X can, inches 12J Rei�ht top pole, inches 13§ Weizht complete single cdl, pounds 13. Tiffany Company replaced lead batter­ ies with Edison Batteries three their delivery wagons, seven years ago. The weight the Edison only about half, per capacity, that the lead battery.09 . R. the exceedingly thin layer hydrate.15 45 60 1 2 225 300 2;0 360 tubes are very thin sheet steel, per­ forated with small holes, and packed or "loaded" (very tightly special ma­ chines) with nickel hydrate, interspersed with pure nickel the form flakes extreme thinness.34 P per c('l1 a St. battery certainly looks good.. Abraham Straus, when they decided to put motor vehicle equipment, pur­ chased twelve vehicles equipped with the Edison Battery A. The Edison not subj eet any the ills the lead TRADE MARK '''tIOIMOb Cd"'trn- battery-it not injured over­ charging, too rapid discharge, by complete discharge nor by standing idle for any length of time either charged discharged .. The ' gas valve, preventing loss elec- I trolyte during charge, eliminates fuming of the cells, minimizes the amount of filling for evaporation and renders i unnecessary add anything but distilled .. Hearn Son, after operating fifteen cars equipped with Edison Battery for three years, discarded lead battery equipment in twelve cars and installed Edison Batter­ ies, making total twenty-seven Edison equipped cars. Edison cell there little loss Of : , To the automobile owner the vehicle active material.. Write today regarding the New Edison Storage Battery for electric motor vehiele propulsion, gasoline car motor boat ignition, incandescent lighting ofrour motor car, yacht motor boat-or for any other battery requirements .. Rising from the middle the rod the vertical terminal post, having] taper top for making good electrical contact with the adjoining cell or with the external circuit.. ) plates, therefore, the height and breadth of the containing jar "can" are al­ ways the same, and the only variation occurs the width the container, which must increased decreased ac­ cording the number plates the element. E E BATTERY COMPANY 132 LAKESIDE AVENUE ORANGE, J... Each the 4Vs-inch tubes in the grid contains about 350 the In accordance with the low weight tiny nickel disks and their alternating the cell, obtained the special voltaic layers hydrate, that the maximum combination described, very light but distance through which the current has strong wood battery trap employed, penetrate, the charge and discharge of skeleton construction and with bent- the cell, only one-half the thickness wood instead dovetailed corners.. Vantine Son have been operating thirteen Edison equipped vehicles over a period four and half years. Rods to give the greatest stiffness with mini- and cross-pieces the same material mum weight.. The grid a double rectangle shape, with center rib, and supports the tubes two rows of flfteen each, set closely together.. The tubes are formed with double-lapped spiral seam, and are reinforced rings fer� rules which maintain internal contact between the nickel hydrate and flake nickel and the internal walls the tube by preventing bulging the tube ex­ pansion its contents.January 191 SCIENTIFfC . the battery tray containing the set cells. The plates each group, positive and negative, are hung their horizontal connecting rods, with spacing bushings , between the lugs the plates and nut at each end the rod.... noteworthy that the ele­ tion and shocks which vehicle battery ment does not have supported at I receives. com- The remaining part the cell, the top pact set metal cans, with chance cover the can, welded place slopping] breaking.. The table below gives the dimensions and the output the three sizes of vehicle cells : A-4. The latter consists iron ! oxide very similar ordinary "iron " rust," subjected heavy preSS'!lre the containing pockets, that each mass of active material practically integral with the grid.. The seams are welded serve respectively separate adjacent the autogenous method, insuring safety plates the element and support the from leakage that might otherwise de- element whole above the bottom of velop from the severe mechanical vibra- the can. The outer surfaces the two end plates the element are securely in­ sulated from the walls the can by sheets perforated hard rubber.AME RICAN ( Continued from pa.. THESEvehicles are today giving more than double the mileage of electric pleasure vehicles with lead batteries-an average well over a hundred miles charge, while the lead battery most instances will not give average better than fifty miles charge. The problem was bring every part the hydrate ,n the plate into active service insuring permanent electrical contact with its con­ necting g]rid, and this result attained by the thin disks nickel stacked in the tube alternation with the layers of hydrate, forming the tube into mass of intimate physical and electrical con­ tacts between hydrate and nickel and be­ tween the edges the nickel disks and perforated wall the tube the same time permitting intimate contact with the electrolyte which the tube im­ mersed, and which seeps through the perforations. Frederick Loeser Company, Brook­ lyn, after operating Edison Battery for one year one their vehicles that was made for lead battery equipment, replaced lead batteries with Edison Batteries six more cars. delicate are the nickel 1,550 pounds 44-ce11 lead battery disks cut from this electro-plated sheet Ithe same capacity. The only other visible materal the hard rubber of the stuffing boxes and the soft-rub­ ber top the filling aperture.. 45 more the appearance road service, and smacks less the electrical labora­ tory, and this highly mechanical look is justified the internal construction of the element working electrochemi­ cal machine. that handful them light so The A-4 Edison cell consists the fol- much 30. They have since bought eighteen more cars, all Edison equipped..