Scientific American 1941

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Thomas A. Edison's Latest Invention A Storage Battery Designed and Constructed from the Automobile User's Point of View ...

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How well he has succeeded aligning his battery this ideal, the automobile driver will appreciate from the figures of actual performance that are now available. His new cells are now actual wmmen!ial use. re­ cent average 144. LD, indeed, the idea the commercial storage bat· tery. the following article the reader will find description the new battery, written after painstaking study its manufacture.9 miles, and 81. nickel-iron - mersed alkaline elec­ trolyte, lighter and cleaner than the lead cell, with lower cost operation and upkeep offset its higher initial cost, and possessing hitherto unheard-of proper­ ties remaining undeteri­ orated either over­ charging being left un­ chargJed. From these early beginnings, many inventors have sought increase the electrical efficiency, and the durability "life" the cell, and reduce the cost of manufacture. Machine for electro-deposition nickel for use positive plates. faced, realized, that the eleCtric vehicle user will work his car the utmost, and will limited only repairs and breakdowns just the average gasoline car driver has always operated his car to the limit repairs and breakdowns. And this long­ promised battery the highly practical nature U�•• Coml2lete 4·plate element of EdIson electric vehicle cell removed from its contuining can ShOW the structure. Elemeut removed from can Edison type A-4 cell.nued page 45. Mr. The longest these trips, 172. for over decade, Thomas Edison has been working produce type storage bdttery better than the old lead type. Lead plates were immersed acid electrolyte, Gaston Plante 1861. The map distance this route 90.SCIENTIFI[ AME RICAN January 14, 191 1 Thomas Edison's Latest Invention A Storage Battery Designed and Constructed from the Automobile User's Point View By Joseph Baker, E. properties and longer lifp.original Edison storag]e battery, known as the type was put out about seven years ago. The new series experiments lasted four years, and resulted in the present commercial Edi­ son cell, known the type A. THOMAS EDISON'S LATEST INVENTION . The cell certain weaknesses service, which caused the inventor to withdraw from the A storage battery omnibus. This cell is not actual. Negative plate the left with iron oxide active IDt'tterial in perforated fiat pockets.93 miles per hour. Stored electricity finds its greatest usefulness in propelling cars and road vehicles, and has been for this application, pri­ marily, that the Edison storage battery has been de­ veloped. The normal discharge voltage is 1. The need the electric vehicle was recognized by Mr. These were the very qualities demanded by the automobile user. Edi­ son had set his staff to work entirely new 'line, and the outcome was 2. Brush 1881 introduced improvements which made the lead battery factor electric vehicle work, producing cell which would give eight watts of electric power per pound of material. This cell now being actively marketed for electric vehicle work three sizes, the A-4, A-6, and A-8 cells, having re­ spectively and positive plates and and negative plates, the two outside plates of the element being negatives.2 miles additional was covered after the regular run, the average speed being 10.1 miles, was Babylon, Long Island, way of Mineola and Plainview, returning the southerly route through Massapequa and Freeport. This figure the average four trips, each· with New York city (Manhattan) the starting point. Emile Faure brought out the pasted·plate battery in 1879, and Charles J<'.) Weldin&, the steel cans for the cell. Edison nine years ago. It was the early eighties that the public be­ gan think about "stored electricity" which could be bought the can, it were, like any other com­ modity. This dream has come true the new Edison nickel-iron storage cell. last has succeeded. Edison the front seat. Believing that the lead cell had too many inherent weaknesses realize the f promise "stored electricity" motive power for vehicles, Mr. each size the dimensions the individual (Conti. The fact be Interior type 4-A Edi­ son cell and cover of can with terminal stuff­ in� box, gas valve, and filJang aperture. market and resume experi­ ments improve the form of the voltaic combination, or­ der obtain' better electrical Positive plate the rightwith nicl. Edison's work once more exemplified in that has held uncompro­ misingly the automobilist's point view.2, and battery re­ garded completely discharged when shows average of 1. automo­ .35 miles single charge was made family-type electric vehicle equipped with the new battery. The . He saw that there are two view­ points that the electrical man with his instruments, his rules for efficient operation and reasonable life the battery, his absolute knowledge that the same care should giveri a vehiele battery that given a valued horse even railroad locomotive and that the automobile driver, who simply wishes somewhere with his car, and who, when ar­ rives somewhere, wishes to go back.0 volt per cell.ol­ hydrate active material perforated tubes. The type cell marked definite step invention, in that proved the commercial success wholly new voltaic combination, radical departure from the lead plates acid electrolyte