Thomas A. Edison's Latest Invention A Storage Battery Designed and Constructed from the Automobile User's Point of View ...
Poznámky redaktora
secure copy the catalogue today aid you
in your selection. charging, however, the battery
compartment must be' left wide open. Wm. They have watched its revivi
fying action upon persons whose nervous strength had been
undermined overwork, worry disease, they have observed how has
infused renewed energy, life and elasticity into starved nerves, how has
regenerated the appetite, digestion, short, how wonderfully has helped
to make the human machinery fit perform its functions the most per
fect manner. About 600 routes are
charged, without injury, because the catalogued for this country alone. can
cheerfully recommend those
who may suffering from exhaus
tion nervousness.S
immersed the alkaline electrolyte, wanted, and kept good order card
the cell being, electrochemically, board case furnished the manufac-
state stable equilibrium.
. PI'ice 824. Ewa.
Send six cents stamps for catalogue.
forced out bubbles-a cause low
e auer emlCa ompany, Union Square, New York
Filling Edison cell for evaporation. They also know from their own observation what
Sanatogen has done for others. Continuous work-
ing high temperatures
has injuri
ous effect tending shorten the life of
the cell, but temperature 100 de
grees not critical. Warner
Writes from Washington ]
have used Sanatogen, and found it
to most excellent tonic.
JAMAICA, Y. America, (Inc. This book also contains evidence
of the value Sanatogea which remarkable conclusive. This filler connected a
flexible rubber tube overhead cov
ered tank distilled water, and also
wired electric bell and dry battery. The total weight the
car and two passengers was 2,470 pound"."
S. volt.
Sole Agents for China, ULDERUP SCHLUTER,
2 Connought Road, Hong Kong. The stream of
distilled water presents high resist
ance the bell circuit, but when the
level the electrolyte has risen into
contact with the end the spout, the
bell rings. They are practical insur
ance agaim5t financial loss due delays. II
U.-General Army.
Some Mechanical Road Guides
( Continued from page 33.
fumes, the substitution bolt-and-nut
connections for lead-burning, the good
retention the active material the
plates and the absence "sulphating"
and similar troubles, and the non-fragile
nature the cans and elements. Hill climbing a
favorite test automobile power
plant, and the performance the Edi
son battery this respect good in
dication its road ability. The cell able stand idle tal routes, and also principal touring
for long] periods, wholly partially dis- routes Europe.
T ·
I Snarpen your tools "
ll:lchine for six
ria then YOU haven)t found
it work an. is
claimed that single garage man can
readily take care very largJe num"
ber batteries and fact the Edison
battery not regarded very attrac-
electrolyte. There reason for
this. Investigate oar
claims first, you like, and are only too glad have you so.
and total 120 miles was made an
average speed 12. com
mercial vehicle battery high capacity
will give the best results with to
80 per cent charge high rate even
day, thereby avoiding the loss ef
ficiency charging] that comes the
end "normal" charge the pre
scribed rane.
The filler spout inserted the aper
ture the cell, and thumb-valve on
the filler operated allow the water
to flow into the can. the'i·"efore needs be
replaced fresh electrolyte about once
in eight months for :commerciaI-vehicle
battery once year for pleasure
vehicle battery. says :
" have used Sanatogen since the
first the year and find won�
derful tonic.
duces his work, practically, mere su- One card serves for only one route,
pervision the charging and filling and this route more than 100 miles
for evaporation, external cleaning lOng but less than 200 miles, the card Is
about twice year (taking the cells reversed and the directions the back
out their trays and removing dirt are followed.42, which
comes about cents per day. "
Hon. 90, $3. Another interesting performance
of the battery city work, single
71f2-hour chargJe, "run-about" an
hour and half two hours every day
for seven days. Senator Wm. 60
Lieut. Fitted with �enl1ine l':\rborundum
wheels-2.d time saver, send back at
my expense. writes I
am able speak from own
observations made the bedside of
patients, and can say that ha�e
used Sanatogen great number
of cases (that is, those disturb�
ances metabolism which were
mainly nervous neurasthenic
origin) and have obtained exceltent
results. "
room for the gas escape during Get from your druggist ifnot obtainable from liim. recommending
it overworked friends. )
tive business the public garages ac- road naps and guide books that one
customed doctoring lead cells which must first kno. write
charge and the electrolyte liable be
Th C
There are file with the owners Sanatogen less than \000
letters from practising physicians praising, endorsing Sanatogen., exposing the tops
of the cells, and causing loss storage
Luther Grinder Mfg.
The element and its separators fill Should the tourist wish make de-
large proportion the cubic contents tour from the regular route take a
of the can, and the amount electrolyte side excursion, the instrument can re
is small, giving rise greater tend- set means the screw the back
ency heat suddenly excessive cur- bring the card correspond with
of engine's efficiency its long time record the
hands users. Ask
your doctor about it, and any case write once for our book HOur
Nerves Tomorrow" the work physician-author, written an
absorbingly interesting style, beautifully illustrated and containing facts
and information vital interest yon. Absolutely
reliable. The cells are filled with elec- how proceed mistake even half
trolyte and assembled trays before mile the distance from given point
leaving the frctory, and the sealed top !hen making turn . breakdowns,
and other power troubles. Since the
closed and sealed top the cell pre
vents view its contents, special
filler provided means which
water may added the same height
in largJe number cells rapid suc
cession. turer.
To sure permanent satisfaction choose one from
the many famous
Their economy and dependability have been proved by
years successful service. The manufacturers the
from between and underneath the instrument supply cards covering all
cans, and removing rust, any) and known touring routes the United
putting new electrolyte long in- States, including several transcontinen
tervals. active service necessary
to "fill for evaporation" every few
days, using distilled water only (ordin
ary water, which more less impure
or which has been aerated absorption
of carbonic acid from exposure the
air, being injurious the cell) and put
ting the water just before giving
a charge, avoid the false level due to
gas bubbles the electrolyte. Most any engine will run alright for a
period thirty sixty days, but that not real test. hot weather an
electric fan may turned the bat
tery when charging, keep down its
temperature. Investigate their superior design.
70 Madison St. The metal cans and the
small amount solution invite more
rapid chilling vehicle standing idle
in winter than the heal-insulating hard
rubber jars the lead battery, and to
be avoided properly inclosing the bat
tery trays, sealing all holes open
ings avoid the entrance the cold
Storage Batteries
The best for ignition and ght"
No Joss current. Physicians know that Sanatogen substance capable
of supplying the real needs starved, overwrought nervous
system-that scientific combination albumen and
organic phosphorus-a compound eagerly absorbed the
hungry tissues and possessing unique tonic and reconstructive
Please mention the Scientific American when writing advertisers
, Elbridge Featherweight Engines
hold every novice record made America in
1 0.
Men and women the forefront human endeavor, statesmen, prelates,
authors, lawyers, have written above their own signatures the wonderful
benefits received from Sanatogen. The
non-corrosive material its plates cards can ordered number to. Chambers
Former Chief Justice Interna�
tional Court, Samoa, says "Sana�
togen has been used family
with the most excellent results, and
I not hesitate recommend this
valuable remedy those whose
systems need building up, a
most invigorating tonic.Q
Of Berlin University.
We ask you earnestly get acquainted with Sanatogen.might throw one
means that the element not expect0d entirely off the course and cause much
to meddled with the user, and re- trouble. 'rransparent jar are used
for alJ batcerle:o'l. work
manship, and material- note their rugged. electric
pleasure vehicle equipped with the bat
tery, the total weight being 2,387
pounds, has climbed Fort George Hill,
a distance 2,138 feet with per cent
grade, twenty-one times single
Fitted with thumb valve and con
nections bell circuit. "
Harrison Fisher
The well�known artist.- his precise location on
have been abused, worn out, vehicle the road before can tell when and
service."l times faster ttmll grindstones, times
faster tban emt'ry�will not draw empel"--nO Jleed
of water cooling�attachment for sh�rpenillg all
kinds tools, chifiels, twist drills, etc. Milwaukee, Wis.. Co.
Made more successful amateur flights than
all other makes engines combined.
The potash solution becomes contam
inated time, from impurities that have
accidentally gotten into the cell either
directly way the filler spout
(which may laid down carelessly on
a dirty bench) absorption gases
in the garage.
But less impressive the enthusiastic testimony patients themselves.00 MOTORCYC LE
.32 miles per hour.)
15 Harvester Building Chicago, A. 00, $1.
Send jor cataimfue
Hoffman Boulevard, near Hillside Ave. Address:
International Harvester Co. Truly, a
magnificent monument the value this food tonic. Young
ing the cans too full, for this leaves Sanatogen sold three sizes, $1. important avoid fill
-" And you must
take Sanatogen regularly for
several weeks "
THIS urgent advice given physicians day day in
every civilized land wherever sufferers from starved
nerves and poor digestion seek relief.
It the discharge performance the
battery, course, expressed "miles
in the battery," that the auto driver is
most interested in. To
those whose nervous systems_ need
building up, there nothing better.January 14, ENTIF ICi AME RICAN
llille-tenth� the normal capacity a
short charge high rate than give
the long, slow charge traditionally
deemed advisable for lead cells.
The garage work other than charging
is simpIified the absence corrosive
rent than lead cells. battery showing about
100 volts when charged can thrown
directly the nO-volt mains without re
sistance series.
retired, says find Sanatogen
is wonderful remedy for building
up run�down system.
4 Culller Road, Rochester, New Vor"
Used successfully farman, Greene, Cur
tiss, Voisin, Santos-Dumont and Bteriot types
of aeroplanes.
Made different sizes-one forty-five horse power
in vertical and horizontal, stationary, and portable
traction types.
The small amount electrolyte and the
liability heating charge the high
charging rates which are permissible,
give rise another sensitive point in
the handling this type cell, namely,
"low electrolyte," e. Doctor
honoris causa Johns Hopkins Med�
ieal School, Baltimore. tjU ampere
hoUl' batt ery.
The cost the charge was $1