Produktový katalog svítidel HELIO 2019-20

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Vydal: HELIO, spol. s r.o.

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• Melanopic effect light: the non-visual effect of light. • PC ready2mains™ ready2mains™ uses mains cable to transfer information easily, reliably and professionally. The lights are controlled and shaded directly through the mains, without the need for additional wiring. This standard defines control and monitoring functions for lighting system control boards. DALI 2014 The advantages the next-generation DALI are adding control elements the standard, increased product compatibility between manufacturers, extension to 128 devices (64 addresses for lights and addresses for sensors and controls), and central register compatible devices, etc.429 HELIO 2019 428 / Lighting Management System • Human Centric Lighting (HCL): the field science studying biologically active light; focuses how the sense well-being the individual relates artificial light similar daylight. All these functions can be controlled, monitored and signalled using single system without unnecessary additional control centres. The network enables you to interact with lights and other objects around you without restrictions. Using the cloud, you can communicate with devices your retail unit office. Bus devices can sensors or actuators required control building equipment, such as: lighting, shading, safety systems, energy control, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, signalling and monitoring systems, interfaces maintenance control systems, remote controls, measurements, audio/video equipment, white goods, etc. Net4more enables any device, including wired wireless lights and sensors, communicate directly through shared IT network without the need for special gateways. With single ZigBee central unit, you can easily connect different products mesh network and manage them conveniently and interactively from your PC, smartphone tablet. offers energy saving through the simple integration sensors and buttons with one4all interface (DALI, DSI, switchDIM, corridor FUNCTION) without the need for additional modifications wiring. the course of the long history this method, countless devices have been developed, and even today‘s digital world is widely used controlling lighting systems. The last part the system another hybrid player. The combination miniature power equipment and wireless technology creates maintenance-free sensor solutions for use buildings, smart homes, industrial applications and the Internet Things. They only register the brightness in the surroundings and regulate biological processes the body based light, such the pupil reflex hormone production. • tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs Z-wave wireless communication technology that connects individual devices smart home and plays crucial role the Internet Things (IoT). Bluetooth Low Energy technology was developed the Nokia Research Centre, where the Casambi founders work. • tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs TW ready2mains . You can choose either pure wireless PoE- based lighting, even benefit from what both solutions have offer. The DMX 512 protocol was designed 1986 the United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) control dimmers and other special effects using digital interface. DALI 2000 Digital Addressable Lighting Interface protocol defined create standard the management of modern lighting systems. connecDIM lighting control using the cloud. enables independent control 256 DALI addresses four lines. The freely distributable Casambi app is available for Android and iOS. ZigBee ZigBee wireless communication technology that connects individual devices smart home and plays a vital role the Internet Things (IoT). Using encrypted communication, can interconnect devices from different vendors while maintaining mutual compatibility and convenient control. • tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs BlueLightLink Blue Light Link control system developed bring people into the world IoT. connecDIM is easily integrated lighting management solution for industry and business. • tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs) PWM One the simplest methods controlling LED lighting systems using pulse width modulation (PWM), however it widely used for controlling single colour and RGB LED sources because its number control elements and transducers. This process determines whether feel alert tired. 0/1-10V An analogue method lighting control where one controls the level illumination between 0-10V. BLL ONE APP 100% user friendly and 100% customisable meet all your graphical and functional needs. DMX-512 based the English name Digital Multiplexing (in simple terms, multi-channel digital signal transmission using one line). You can download BLL ONE APP free for Android iOS. enables 64 devices connected. This comes with sophisticated, intelligent and user-friendly tools that enable efficient planning and commissioning. The development EnOcean technology was governed by simple and clear requirements modules can be powered from converters using available energy, such as mechanical power switches, temperature sensors, ambient temperature vibration sensors, vibration energy sensors, motion energy sensors, light energy sensors, etc. includes the use of intelligent ballasts, infrared and microwave sensors, touch panels, remote controls for 0/1-10V analogue control and DALI digital control, with the option implementing colour warmness control and RGB control. The net4more system scalable and open. Low-energy Bluetooth devices enable you create mesh networks that complement each other prevent system failure. Both the warmness the colour from warm white white daylight, but also the intensity the light, adapt the human circadian rhythm. • PC, tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs basicDIM Wireless A sophisticated wireless system for controlling simple to medium-intensive lighting systems. This means that these components can work from the natural energy available all around us. These special ganglion cells are light sensitive, but they are not used for vision. • tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs The net4more system offers scalable open IoT architecture that can upgraded provide IPv6 connectivity all the way the end node(s). Light received special photoreceptors the eye as molecule sensitive light, melanopsin, which controls the levels cortisol (stress hormone) and melatonin (sleep hormone). Current devices enable the control RGB, RGBW and types LED light sources using controllers, touch panels, dimmers and other devices connected LAN ethernet. With single Z-wave central unit, you can easily connect different products mesh network and manage them conveniently and interactively from your PC, smartphone or tablet. • Circadian rhythm: determined the biological rhythm day/night (circa around, dies day) which should stabilise person’s day/night rhythm. The BLL SYSTEM ranges from the simplest light management (turn on/off, mute light, change colour and select some pre-set scenarios) more complex installations where BLL sensors can easily added, business heat map can created, important energy savings can made controlling light based on the presence people daylight. • Tunable White: function modern lights that enables the light continuously adjust the shade white light the colour needed any given moment. Using encrypted communication, can connect devices from different vendors while maintaining mutual compatibility and convenient control. When comes finding the right solution for you, there need choose between one or the other. enables individual and group control with a simple central bus connection. • Biologically effective lights: 2002, scientists identified third light receptor addition the already known cones (for colour vision) and rods (for dim light). ready2mains reduces manufacturing and installation costs and also reduces possible sources of error. KNX system which all bus devices (twisted pair, radio transmission, power lines IP/ Ethernet) are connected and through which they can exchange information. The new wireless communication module combines stable and scalable wireless network with DALI. • tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs EnOcean EnOcean technology products are compact radio modules which guarantee reliability and economic wireless signal transmission without the need use batteries an external power source. The lights can configured request save time and increase flexibility. Net4more is the first hybrid lighting system provide gate-free access all lighting data regardless topology, whether wireless wired. The system, which includes the connecDIM gateway and the connecDIM cluster, combines cost efficiency and user-friendly design with decentralised monitoring and lighting control from anywhere. • tablet, smartphone App Android, iOs The Casambi control system based Bluetooth wireless technology, the latest wireless technology and the only low-voltage wireless technology all modern smartphones, tablets and even smart watches, making it a unique sustainable radio technology for the future. • PC A worldwide standardised system for home and building automation