OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

Strana 626 z 707

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Poznámky redaktora
The quality control rules for the THR solder technique are the same for flow or wave soldering THT components. Random samples are taken and used to verify measurable quantities: • Analysis the filling behaviour cutting through the solder joint • Mechanical testing the pin pull-out resistance from the contacts Cutting through the THR solder joint with the short pin .W. The optical examination evaluates the shape, reflectivity and colour the solder joints. In the manual process, magnifying glass microscope is used, the automatic process computer controlled camera and software based image analysis used. The goal this process step is, using appropriate techniques, to check the quality the solder joints the THR components with short long pins quickly and easily.16 Technicalappendix W SMT design-in recommendations Quality control Quality control completes the SMT production process. In X-ray inspection, however, radiographic evaluation using automated X-ray microscopy carried out. Currently optical X-ray examination mostly used. important control factor are destructive testing addition the inspection process. Control process: The process quality control can achieved using various methods