OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

Strana 625 z 707

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Poznámky redaktora
1 mm 2 ) Stencil hole diameter Design recommendations Male connector parameters Pin cross-section PCB parameters Stencil parameters Optimum solder joint form .4 mm3 / % 2.5+0.1 mm3 / % 3.2 pin diameter.2 PCB: Thickness [mm] 1.3 Positioning tolerance IEC 326-3 very fine Stencil: Thickness DS [µm] 120 180 Stencil hole diameter [mm] 2. We recommend determining the quantity solder paste follows: Volume paste (or rather, degree filling): for solder joint filling and solder joint form within the tolerances IPC-A610 Male conn.1 2 ) Solder paste: Solder paste particle size [µm] Type 3 Evaporation volume solder paste [%] approx.5-0.W. *1) : dI 1.weidmueller. 0.3 Pin diameter [mm] 1.4+0. (solder flange LF): 2 poles – 9 poles 2 poles Recommended finished hole I.15 Technicalappendix W SMT design-in recommendations Solder paste volume and filling degree for 1.1 mm Paste volume [mm3 ] filling level [%] after stencil print Minimum solder joint shape Optimum solder joint shape 2.6 Placement hole metallised Placement hole inner diameter ID dI [mm] see table 1 ) Placement hole outer diameter OD dA [mm] 2. 10% smaller than placement hole outer diameter dA Recommendations for S2L-SMT and SC-SMT 3. 50 Process: Stencil print method squeegee print, single Filling level placement hole [%] see table Method for automatic assembly pick&place Temperature profile 61760-1 1 ) Tolerances for components, PCBs and automatic machines must taken into account: recommendation for poles more, for variations with solder flange LF: 1.81 see: http://catalog. (open and closed): Male conn. height space without paste hL [mm] min.5 mm3 / 100 % Valid with the following parameters for all SL-SMT variations: Male connector: Pin length [mm] 1. The volume paste and hence the degree filling the solder paste the paste printing method critical for optimum soldering results the SMT process.5+0.9 mm3 / % 3.1 mm 1.3 Min.D