OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
5 mm UL 840 similar IEC 664-1 8.0 3.2 3.0 5.0 3.5 (5.0 10.3 * Tables 5.2) 500 VA–10 kVA UL 840 320 related 300 4.62 10.1 and 6.2) 500 VA–10 kVA UL 840 630 related 600 8.6 5.16 mm minimum spacing for products with known and kVA controlled overvoltages peak: 451 900 5.1, pollution severity (400 2.5 mm UL 840 similar IEC 664-1 8. Two distances have taken in account: • Clearance shortest distance between two conductive parts (in air) • Creepage distance distance along surface Creepage Distance Clearance pin moulding Comparison clearance and creepage distances for 300 V Standard Voltage Clearance Creepage distance UL 1059 151 300 6.0 mm) (exception 36.1, pollution severity 800 4.0 mm General data: Not less than the clearance distance The overvoltage category relates the clearance distance, insulation groups I/II/IIIa the creepage distance.8 4.6 8.3 7.6 6.1) UL508C 151 300 6. Guideline: relationship between approvals PCB connectors and terminals Type approval DIN 61984 VDE 0110 1059 DIN 61984 >> CONNECTORS << UL 1059 >> COMPONENTS << IEC 60664 >> INSULATION COORDINATION << UL 840 >> INSULATION COORDINATION << UL 508C >> POWER CONTROLS << Section 36.0 [2.1, pollution severity 800 4.54 2.3 mm) (exception 36.3 508C) [500 III 4.0 8.0 5.3 508C) III 6.08 5.0 mm] UL 840 similar IEC 664-1 6.9.81 5.5 mm Comparison clearance and creepage distances for 600 V Standard Voltage Clearance Creepage distance UL 1059 301 600 9.0 mm Tables 5.0 mm] UL 840 similar IEC 664-1 6.6 2.5 6. All clearance and creepage distances UL/USEGROUP (industrial).08 mm minimum spacing for products with known and kVA controlled overvoltages peak: 226 400 2.5 3.5 1.0 [6.0 4.0 mm UL 840 630 related 600 3.0 mm (exception 36.5 12.9.5 (2.1) UL508C 301 600 9.3 Applications IEC 600 applications 508C UL600V,toUL508C/UL840/IEC .5 mm (exception 36.1, pollution severity (400 2.0 3.4 9.5 1.7 mm minimum spacing (table 8.0 5.5 12.1 and 6.0 5.5 mm minimum spacing (table 36.54 mm (table 36.0 9.0 12.2 mm* Tables 5.7 mm minimum spacing (table 36.0 4.4 9.1) UL 508C peak: 226 450 3.0 2.1) UL 508C peak: 451 900 7.08 mm (table 36.5 mm UL 840 320 related 300 1.0 5.9.0 3.1 and 6.0 11.2 4.3 508C) [500 III 4.1 and 6.0 5.3 508C) III 6.1 8.11 Technicalappendix W UL clearance and creepage distances The maximum voltage applied to the connector depends the distance between two connections.0 mm Tables 5.0 10.0 8.5 5.9.9.W.5 mm minimum spacing (table 8