Ochrana pred bleskom a prepätím

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Charakteristickou črtou súčasného sveta je technický pokrok vo všetkých oblastiach ľudskej činnosti. Medzi tie, ktoré dosiahli mimoriadny rozmach patrí nesporne aj elektrotechnika všeobecne a elektronika zvlášť. V rámci týchto technických disciplín môžeme konštatovať významné zmeny aj v zariadeniach na ochranu pred bleskom a prepätím. Dôkazom toho je aj táto kniha, doslova nabitá najnovšími odbornými poznatkami, ktorú predkladáme odbornej verejnosti.

Autor: Michal Ingeli

Strana 141 z 257

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Poznámky redaktora
All rights reserved.00E-02 Direct Strike Risk Rd 3.36E-05 Indirect Strike Risk Ri 5.0.0. fire): High Structure screening effectiveness: Average Internal wiring type: Unscreened Environmental Influences: Location factor: Isolated structure Environmental factor: Urban Number thunderdays: days/year Annual ground flash density: 3,0 flashes/km2 Protection Measures: Class LPS: Class I Fire protection provisions: Automated systems Surge protection: Coord.18E-05 0,OOE+00 2.00E-05 1.00E-03 1.02E-06 5. intended that this tool used conjunction with the written standard IEC62305-2.73E-06 1.22E-07 0,00E+00 3.00E-04 IEC Risk Assessment Calculator: Version 1.12E-05 0.3 Database: Version 1.NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CEI IEC 62305-2 Edition-1 2005-01 Project: ENERGOBLOK_NEMOCNICA_BA Structure's Dimensions: Length structure (m): 60 Width structure (m): 50 Height roof plane (m)*: 10 Collection area (m2): 427 m2 Structure’s Attributes: Risk physical damage (incl.5 Výstup SIRAC energoblok pre nemocnicu základné údaje .00E+00 1. Obrázok 6.75E-06 1. not possible cover each special design element that may render structure more less susceptible lightning damage. special cases, personal and economic factors may very important and should considered addition the assessment obtained use this tool.67E-04 Calculated Risk R 8. SPD IEC 62305-4 Conductive Electric Service Lines: Power Line; Other Overhead Services: Type service the structure: Buried cable Number conductive services: 0 Type external cable: Unscreened Type external cable: Unscreened Presence transformer: Transformer Other Underground Services: Number conductive services: 2 Type external cable: Unscreened Types Loss: Type Loss Human Life: Special hazards life: Environmental hazards Life loss due fire: Other structures Life loss due overvoltages: Not relevant Type Loss Essential Public Services: Services lost due fire: Power supply Sen/ices lost due overvoltages: Power supply Type Loss Cultural Heritage: Cultural heritage lost due fire: heritage value Type Economic Loss: Special hazards economics: Environmental hazards Economic loss due fire: Other structures Economic loss due overvoltage: Hospital, hotel, office Step/touch potential loss factor: shock risk Tolerable risk economic loss: 100 Calculated Risks: Loss Human Life: Loss Public Services: Loss Cultural Heritage: Economic Loss: Tolerable Risk Rt 1.3 IEC Central Office Support (Tel: +41-22-919 0211) Copyright 2005, IEC.00E-03 1. The IEC lightning risk assessment calculator intended assist the analysis various criteria determine the risk loss due lightning