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Charakteristickou črtou súčasného sveta je technický pokrok vo všetkých oblastiach ľudskej činnosti. Medzi tie, ktoré dosiahli mimoriadny rozmach patrí nesporne aj elektrotechnika všeobecne a elektronika zvlášť. V rámci týchto technických disciplín môžeme konštatovať významné zmeny aj v zariadeniach na ochranu pred bleskom a prepätím. Dôkazom toho je aj táto kniha, doslova nabitá najnovšími odbornými poznatkami, ktorú predkladáme odbornej verejnosti.

Autor: Michal Ingeli

Strana 141 z 257

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Poznámky redaktora
special cases, personal and economic factors may very important and should considered addition the assessment obtained use this tool.75E-06 1. intended that this tool used conjunction with the written standard IEC62305-2.73E-06 1.NORME INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CEI IEC 62305-2 Edition-1 2005-01 Project: ENERGOBLOK_NEMOCNICA_BA Structure's Dimensions: Length structure (m): 60 Width structure (m): 50 Height roof plane (m)*: 10 Collection area (m2): 427 m2 Structure’s Attributes: Risk physical damage (incl. SPD IEC 62305-4 Conductive Electric Service Lines: Power Line; Other Overhead Services: Type service the structure: Buried cable Number conductive services: 0 Type external cable: Unscreened Type external cable: Unscreened Presence transformer: Transformer Other Underground Services: Number conductive services: 2 Type external cable: Unscreened Types Loss: Type Loss Human Life: Special hazards life: Environmental hazards Life loss due fire: Other structures Life loss due overvoltages: Not relevant Type Loss Essential Public Services: Services lost due fire: Power supply Sen/ices lost due overvoltages: Power supply Type Loss Cultural Heritage: Cultural heritage lost due fire: heritage value Type Economic Loss: Special hazards economics: Environmental hazards Economic loss due fire: Other structures Economic loss due overvoltage: Hospital, hotel, office Step/touch potential loss factor: shock risk Tolerable risk economic loss: 100 Calculated Risks: Loss Human Life: Loss Public Services: Loss Cultural Heritage: Economic Loss: Tolerable Risk Rt 1. All rights reserved.00E-02 Direct Strike Risk Rd 3.0. fire): High Structure screening effectiveness: Average Internal wiring type: Unscreened Environmental Influences: Location factor: Isolated structure Environmental factor: Urban Number thunderdays: days/year Annual ground flash density: 3,0 flashes/km2 Protection Measures: Class LPS: Class I Fire protection provisions: Automated systems Surge protection: Coord.00E-04 IEC Risk Assessment Calculator: Version 1.36E-05 Indirect Strike Risk Ri 5. The IEC lightning risk assessment calculator intended assist the analysis various criteria determine the risk loss due lightning.3 Database: Version 1.12E-05 0. not possible cover each special design element that may render structure more less susceptible lightning damage.22E-07 0,00E+00 3.3 IEC Central Office Support (Tel: +41-22-919 0211) Copyright 2005, IEC.18E-05 0,OOE+00 2.02E-06 5.67E-04 Calculated Risk R 8.00E-03 1.5 Výstup SIRAC energoblok pre nemocnicu základné údaje . Obrázok 6.00E-05 1.00E-03 1.0.00E+00 1