METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
Active safety built-in, notably the form safety information and recommendations for users based on their specific configuration.02 ARMS MHz HX0072: AmpFLEX™ current clamp, 5 3000 ARMS 200 kHz HX0073: MiniAmpFLEX current clamp, 1 300 ARMS MHz HX0094: Probix 4-20 adapter (process) HX0096: Probix BNC adapter 100mV/A (standard probes HX0034 HX0094 HX0096 umlmx- .OSCILLOSCOPES Oscilloscopes with Isolated Channels profoiX./Run-Hold P Auto MeasJRef Meas P Autoset chX/Auto 50% OK Couleur (• Verte P Rouge P Bleue P Magenta Annuler 200|is ^ rFFT 05:56 - E Probix current measurement HX0034: AC/DC current clamp, 0. also gives information their specifications. For example, the first two control buttons the probes are used for direct modification the parameter settings for the channel which they are connected. This system also allows users power the accessories directly from oscilloscope, without a battery additional mains adapter. Advantages the Patented Probix System Scopix benefits from Probix smart accessories which offer users host innovative functions guaranteeing simplicity, effectiveness, versatility and safety. The instrument does not just identify them, however. With this "plug and play" measurement system, the probes and adapters are recognized immediately as soon they are connected. Evénement PROBIX sur voie 4 & HX35 ISOLATION BETWEEN 2 |-40°C/+t 250*0, +*-3. \Mrt érl Affirh MP^tIrp Mpmnirp Util ? Configuration sonde 1 Boutonl Bouton2 (• Sensibihté +1- P Cadrage vertical+/- 2" Base Temps +f- P Cadrage Horizontal +f- P Front ctécl. The Probix system, with its smart probes, accessories and adapters, ensures quick, error-free implementation your instrument.5<Ctyp KTC Entree: Entree flottante Entre voies: HX3t 600V CAT III 600V CAT III 300V CAT II HX30 1000V CAT II 600V CAT III 600V CAT III 300V CAT II HX32 10VWr» MAX 600V CAT III 300V CAT II [ 30V CAT - HX35 The coefficients, scales, units and channel configurations are thus managed automatically. Some Probix accessories include three control buttons directly accessible the probe