Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.
Poznámky redaktora
The wide range operators available includes well sine,
cosine, exponential, logarithm, square root, etc., for specific complex
GS/s conversion.
Math functions
In oscilloscope mode, the Math functions can used define, for each of
the traces, mathematical function and vertical scaling with the definition of
the actual physical unit..
It often particularly useful for effective diagnostics during qualitative
analysis signals:
• measurement the harmonic orders, sub-harmonics and non-harmonics
or distortion signal,
• impulse response analysis,
• noise source detection logical circuits, etc.
Persistence oscilloscope mode
In oscilloscope mode, the new cumulation function allows you record a
signal's variations over time.
The autoset function helps optimize representation the spectrum..OSCILLOSCOPES
Oscilloscopes with Isolated Channels
SCOPIX Electronics
OX 7062, 7102, 7104, 7202, 7204
Real-time FFT channels for harmonic analysis of
from its representation the time domain.8 A/h battery pack, Probix 1/10 probe, Probix banana adapter, set banana leads, crossed Ethernet cable, 1
USB cable, |jSD-card with SD-card adapter, magnetic stylus, operating and programming manual
References order: :
OX7062-CSD: oscilloscope MHz
OX7102-CSD: oscilloscope 100 MHz
OX7104-CSD: oscilloscope 100 MHz
OX7202-CSD: oscilloscope 200 MHz
OX7204-CSD: oscilloscope 200 MHz
Available accessories:
see pages 108
To find out ore__
Sales Brochure 906210217
Detailed product brochures can downloaded from www.FCT
| divh(
~ 3
OK Annuler Enreg RAZ
“Standard” state delivery:
1 OX, mains adapter/charger, NiMH 9.fr
There are several weighting windows available, well representation
modes, linear and logarithmic (scale dB).6V-3.FCT I
Vert Décl Horo Afrtch Mesure Mémore ?
FFT with Hanning window
and logarithmic scale
FFT with rectangular window
and linear scale
M ath1: Definition
bin(pi”t/divh(1 ))“diw(4)"exp(-Wdivh(3);|
<- chi
< ch2
) ch3
pi ch4
C1MULC2. This very useful for checking signal's
amplitude frequency instabilities, modulations and jitters. A
graphic zoom can then applied order analyse all the details the
spectrum and perform measurements using the cursors (absolute value or
level/frequency difference).
It therefore possible examine the waveforms the instantaneous power
(U I), for example, and perform all the associated measurements. The cursors can then used
for precise measurements the frequency lines, levels and attenuations,
while taking advantage dynamic range thanks the 12-bit 2. The math editor screen capable displaying 4
calculated traces real time, with all the cursor measurements automatic
measurements remaining available