METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
OSCILLOSCOPES Oscilloscopes with Isolated Channels probiX. Advantages the Patented Probix System Probix voltage measurement Probix voltage probe HX0030A: 1/10 voltage probe, 1000 CAT II, 600 CAT III, 250 MHz HX0071: Industrial Accessories Kit for HX0030A probes (wire grip, banana plug, earth connection) Probix BNC HX0031: Probix adapter for BNC cables HX0032: Probix BNC adapter with built-in load Probix Banana HX0033: Probix adapter for banana leads HX0093: Probix adapter with 300 filter (PWM systems) HX0095: Probix adapter for 1000 banana leads Temperature measurement HX0035: Probix Thermocouple adapter HX0036: Probix Pt100 Probe adapter Example application: With Probix AC/DC current probe powered the oscilloscope and a Probix 1/10 1000 voltage probe, thanks the automatic scaling, unit management and the appropriate Math function (multiplication), you can view the instantaneous pow real time and measure the value. When channels are multiplied, possible view the scaled result, with its physical unit (e.g. A. and the original curves (in this case, the current and the voltage)