Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Fully Insulated. Accessories Included Push-On Hook Clip.2m ) 1 ting: llo tio excee 30V illo uses tro , Insulated Oscilloscope Probes for Portable Applications Features ith CAT II, 600 (CAT III, 300 rating, these probes are perfect use with portable oscillo­ scopes.2m | 1 Derated ith frequency.7in (22cm) Ground Lead with Alligator Clip ea.635m connection pins.60in (1. Meets IEC 61010-031.025in (0. Reference lead with alligator clip the connection the 0. Ergonom Design with fort Grip. This adapter provides easy, fast, and reliable way connect your oscilloscope probe test adapters, test clips and grabbers using 0. 2 M odel# 72940-* 72941 (set) 72942 Probe Ratio 10: 10: See page 60 M axim Input Voltage CAT II' 600 600 V Bandw idth (MHz) 500 500 Input esistance 10 Input Capacitance (pF) 13 A pproxim ate isetim (ns) 1 Com pensation ge(pF 30 Cable Length 4ft (1. The perfect solution for accessing hard-to-reach test points, particularly fine pitch leads.635m pins 5360 5790 6351 6352 6442 6353 All IC”test clips 6490 R eplacem ent Accessory it: 73040 includes: Retractable Hook Tip BNC Adapter Insulating Tip Trim Tool 8.2m (1. Push-On Reference Contact. M odel# 6551 6554 Probe Ratio 10: 10: 1 M axim Input Voltage CAT 300 300 V S ystem andw idth MHz (-3 dB) 500 500 System isetim (ns) 0. Pomona adapters ith 0.2m 4ft (1.70 0. w tro m .025in (0.2 safety socket the handle. Rigid Probe Tip ea.70 Probe Input Probe Input Resistance Capacitance (pF) <11 <11 Com pensation Range (pF) 7-25 Readout Yes No Cable Length (1. Spring Probe Tip 77 Dn O O scilloscope Probe Tip pter ode 6553 — Tips can replaced with Pomona 0.52m probe tips odel num ber 6475, see page 66. The Microline Probe features 500 MHz X10 pas­ sive voltage probe compactly designed on-the-go field service the lab.scillo sco Probes and rie s Microline Passive Oscilloscope Probes 500 MHz X10 Passive Voltage Probe 4ft (1.2m) cable, 500V peak. And with 500 MHz bandwidth, these probes pro­ vide plenty headroom those high frequency measurements. For scillo sco ith resistance