01in (0. Device under test ust inactive when connecting pincers. Pincers rotate ease access.
2mm Safety Sheathed Jack with Solder Tab
M odel# 72922-0 72922-2
C olor Black Red
M terials: Contacts: Nickel plated brass, Insulation: Polyamide.
Accepts 2mm safety-sheathed banana plugs.
Micro SMD Grabber* Test Clip for 0.02in (0.05 -0.55in 14mm 0.25 0. ating: ForCE compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.
2mm Safety Sheathed Jacks
M odel# 72921-0 72921-2
Color Black Red
2mm safety sheathed jack with 1. ating: Vac Vdc, 10A.25 -0.02in (1. ating: Vac Vdc, 10A.55in 14mm 0.85m ating: Vrms Vdc *Std Colors: Black, Red.28in mm) low 0. Pincers and 0. terials: Contacts: Nickel plated brass. ating: 600V Cat II, 10A.02in (0.05 0.25 -0.25m pitch other tight situa tions.01 0. ating: Vac Vdc, 36A
Micro SMD Grabber* Test Clip for 0.635mm) Square Pins
Use when testing leads 0. 10/pkg.05 -0. Housing moves close tips together.9mm wire wrap connecting pin.5 mm) Lead Pitch
• Use with PQFP SOIC packages ith 0. Insulation: Polyamide. ating: 600V Cat II, 10A. axim frequency 100MHz. ating: Vac Vdc, 10A.3m 0. *Std Colors: Black, Red. 10/pkg.2 mm) Lead Pitch
M odel# 6442
P rofile Height 0.12in (53.01in (1. 10/pkg.03 -0. Vrms Max.01in (1.55in 14mm
Lead Pitch 0.01in (1.05 0. Pincers are stationary. verall Length: 2.SMD/Micro Format est
® ~
4mm Safety Banana Jack 2mm Banana Plug Adapter
M odel# 72914-02 72914-0 72914-2
Color One Black and One Red Black Red
Accepts 4mm safety-sheathed banana plugs. 10/pkg. Supplied with female male flying leads.
4mm Banana Jack 2mm Banana Jack Adapter
M odel# 72916-0 72916-2
Color Black Red ode 5790Features Sold individually
Accepts 2mm and 4mm safety-sheathed banana plugs.2m 0.2 0.76m pin plug are directly connected; sliding parts.
w tro m
.05in (1.25 -0.
Rotating Micrograbber* Test Clip with Two 0.05 -0.025in (0.
4mm Banana Plug 2mm Sheathed Banana Jack Adapter
M odel# 72917-0 72917-2
Color Black Red
Accepts 2mm safety-sheathed banana plugs. Vrms Max. Maximum voltage for hands free use.03in (0.01in (1.5 Thin body allows unlim ited num ber clips stacked side side.3m )
Tip Long
Qty 10
Colors 10
6351 6352 6353
Long Long Short
10 10
2 2
2mm Sheathed Jack 2mm Unsheathed Plug Adapter
M odel# 72915-0 72915-2
C olor Black Red
• Use with PQFP, SOIC, TSOP and SSOP packages ith lead pitches down 0. ating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.25 0.3m 0. Maximum voltage hands free use.5m lead pitch greater.85 -0