3ft (1m test lead.
Kelvin Clip Set Do-It-Yourself 4mm Stackable Banana Plug
-------- 2.
Do-It-Yourself In-Line Sheathed (4mm) Banana Plug and Jack
1.2m unterm inated AWG test lead wire (15.58m 3.
* rre tly sse and . Colors: Black, Red, -02 Black and Red per pkg). ria Contacts: nickel-plated brass; Insulation: lucel acetal polymer. soldering.44in (36. ating: IEC61010 1000V Category III**. *Sold pkgs 10.
■ Gold-plated Kelvin clip jaws allow 4-w ire resistive easure ments. td.01in (76.
R ating: IEC61010 CAT 300V, 15A,+275°F(+135°C) max.
* rre tly sse and . Patented design for high precision rapid testing. Colors: Black, Red.) Choose from heat-resistant silicone PVC insulation. Easily move from one test point another rapid readings. Gold-plated plugs and clips. verall Length: 26. 20A, 131°F (-10 +55°C).
Kelvin Lead Set with Kelvin Clips
See pages 30-31 more do-it-yourself plugs.DMM rie and its
Create Your Own Test Leads for Your Own Specific Needs with the Following:
Test Lead Wire with Silicone PVC Insulation
Length 33-* 34-* Silicone PVC 50ft (15. Clips open 0.
*C ode: Black, Brow Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, iolet, Gray, hite
w tro m
. ria Contacts: nickel-plated brass, Insulation: lucel acetal polymer.5in (67.
M ria Banana Plug/Jack: brass; Spring: heat treated beryllium copper; Insulation: Santoprene* . Colors: Black, Red. 84-* Plugs fit ost sheathed Jack 6384-02 DMM jacks and DMM test leads make your own banana plug jack Attaches wire crim test lead jum per. td.45m ■
M odel Safety-rated plugs and 83-* jacks use with any wire Plug from AWG with 6383-02 flexible insulation.2m lengths only. Create own test leads with the adapters shown below.35mm) maximum.
Two gold-plated clips connect test points for 4-wire resistive measurement. Length: 48in (122cm)
• 50ft (15.2m 50ft (15.2m )
Kelvin Probes
For 4-wire and 2-wire measure ments. Gold-plated accuracy.
See mating panel jacks (6387 page 33). ating: ForCE compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc. Safety sheathed straight DMM plugs convenient bench use. Rating: IEC61010 1000V Category III**, 20A, 131°F (-10 +55°C). Rating: ForCE compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrm Vdc. Rating: CAT III 1000 V.
*see rating essage start section.4m >
do-ityourself safety-sheathed right-angle banana plug. Very flexible with strands AWG tinned copper conductor.3in (58.28in (32.
M odel# 6729
Do-It-Yourself 4mm Right Angle Banana PlugBuild your own safety leads with
I, 1.3cm). For use with 4-wire Kelvin meters such Agilent 34401A, and 3458A. Wide tem perature range -58 302°F (-50 150°C) ith PVC insulation. ■Silicone insulated 3. Clips firm grip test points low -loss connection.4m --------- Build your own safety stacking leads with do-it-yourself safety-sheathed 4mm stack able banana plugs. Colors: Black, Red.25in (6