Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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300 Vrms, 2BC.5m) Miniature Double Banana Plug Cable 0. +131°F (+55°C) max. +131°F (+55°C) Max.2m 60in (1.55in (39.6m | | 2247-K-24 | 0.9m 48in (1. 1400 Vrms. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. Maximum voltage hands free use. Maximum voltage for hands free use.37mm) M odel# 2BC-PP-36 2BC-PP-48 2BC-PP-60 Length 36in (0.2m 60in (1.37mm) Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug, One End Only 1. 1400 Vrms. See chart page additional cable specifications.75in (19. 1000 Vrms.5m) Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug Cables 1. 2BA. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.37mm) 0.75in (19.2m ) x 1. 1000 Vrms. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.6m 36in (0.5m 24in (0.05m ) M odel# 1167-18 1167-24 1167-30 1167-36 1167-48 1167-60 Length 18in (0.05m ) R ating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.2mm) 1.9m 48in (1.55in (39. ating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.70mm) M odel# I Length 24in (0. 150 Vrms.Patch Cords and Test Leads Two Conductor shielded Balanced Line 1. Maximum voltage hands free use. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. odel# 4768-K-24 4768-K-36 4768-K-48 4768-K-60 0. +131°F (+55°C) max.0n (203.0 (203.02mm) R ating: ForCE compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.100in (2. +122°F (+50°C) max.5m) 24in (0.55in (39. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. 0. 0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.D.05mm) Length 24in (0.2m ) 3 R ating: ForC compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.37) odel# 3786-C-18 3786-C-24 3786-C-36 3786-C-48 3786-C-60 Length 18in (0.6m 36in (0.95m O.D.05mm) Rating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.75in (19.37mm) M odel# 1326-A-60 1326-C-60 Length 60in (1. Maximum voltage hands free use.2m) 60in (1.2m 2.+122°F (+50°C) max.D.03mm) 8 0in (203. Double Banana Plug Micrograbber® Test Clips 1.50in (12.2m) 60in (1.5m 24in (0.9m 48in (1.55in (39. R ating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.6m) 30in (0. +131 (+50°C) max.74in (44. R ating: ForCE compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.6m 36in (0. Maximum voltage hands free use. Maximum voltage hands free use.195in (4.75in (19. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. 300 Vrms. Maximum voltage hands free use.5m . Maximum voltage hands free use.6m) 36in (0. Cable Type: RG174/U, 0. Cable Type See chart page for additional cable specifications.9m 48in (1.9m) 48in (1.76m 36in (0.4mm) M odel# 2239-C-24 2239-C-36 2239-C-48 Length 24in (0.80in (2.95m O.D.2m) 60in (1.54m O. +131°F (+55°C) max. 1400 Vrms. t -------------- z Multi-Stacking Double Banana Plug Minigrabber® Test Clips 1.35m O. +122°F (+50°C) max.5m) R ating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.56in (65.75in (19.5m) 24in (0.9m) 48in (1.5m) Multi-Stacking Banana Plugs, Two Each End 6.5m ) RG58C/U, 0.55in (39.55in (39. See chart page additional cable specifications.9m) 48in (1.25in (6. i.27mm) I odel# 2BA-18 2BA-24 2BA-36 2BA-48 2BA-60 2BC-24 2BC-36 2BC-48 2BC-60 Cable Type Two onductor Twisted Pair, AWG, 0. 0.02mm) *C Code: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White w m .6m 36in (0. Length 18in (0. See chart page additional cable specifications. See art page additional cable specifications.5m) 60in (1.195in (4.30in (33. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.05mm) Cable Type: RG58C/U 0. 300 Vrms, 1400 Vrms.20m ) Double Banana Plug Stacking Pin Tip Plugs 1.2m 60in (1.0in (152