x-hole 0.75in r(i9.00m 0.
Dual Binding Posts
1.80in (20.75in (19.
6883 1. Maximum volt age for hands free use.98in 0.35in“ i.05m 0. Silicone rubber O-rings provide water resistant seal when mounted panels from 0.00m )
46 14-* 54-* 90-* \>------------------------A -
For bind post odels 3750, 3760, 3770
M ount banana jacks and binding posts standard 0. ria polycarbonate
R ating: +239°F (+115°C) Max.32m >-*^0.35mm) 0.38in (9.375in (9.05m 1. 3770. all colors.75in (19.05mm) spacing. Maximum voltage for hands free use.38in (9.24in /(6 m
0.16mm) dia.13in (54.05m 0.75in (19.58in (14.44in (11. Panel Cut-Out odel# 4995Meets MIL-P-55149/8. 30A, +176° (+80°C) max.80in (24.73m Rating: ForC compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed [•— 1.
w m
*C Code: Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, White
. 1500 Vrms.71mm) stresses can exceed the rated voltage.6mm)
0.52mm) 0. ria Binding Post: nickel-plated brass.05m 2. 2500 Vdc.100in (0. ria Body: tin plated brass; Insulation: polycarbonate.18mm thick. Colors: 3750 and 3760.Banana Plugs and Jacks
Binding Posts
0.89in (22.32mm)
M odel# 4770-* Mounts panels from 0.19in (30.75in (19.37mm)
0.18m 0. Colors: Black.73mm) ■2.98in (25.38in (35. Base Colors: Black, Red.50in (12.28m 0. Black, Red.09m 1. Accepts wires plugs 0. 0. ria Nickel-plated brass. ria Binding Post Body, Nuts, Lockwasher: gold-plated brass; Insulation: Nylon MIL-P-20693.19in (30. Insulators: nylon. 10. 2500 Vdc. td.91 (0.80in (20.03mm) pin tips, wires and probe tips 0.75mm 3.75in (19.98in (50. Maximum voltage for hands free use. 15A, +239°F (+115°C) max.100in (0.54in 0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.154 in) cross-hole that accepts AWG wire and standard banana plugs.22m 1.91in (23.8m )*S Colors: Black, Red.10m )
B 0. Rating: For compliance and per sonal safety, not hold hand when volt ages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.125in (15.87in (22. 0.0925in (2.75in (19. 15A, +239°F (+115°C) max.6mm)
5-way binding post with 3.89mm) Max.52m )
0.75in (19m )
Panel Cut-Out 6883/6884
Binding Post/Banana Jack Mounting Bases
M odel# Type 62-* 63-* 19-* Double Triple Double Triple Double Triple
[ Used ith Standard Binding Posts iniature Banana Jacks Standard Banana Jacks
A 1. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.63in (16. One black and one red binding post. Rating: For compliance and for personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc. 630 Vdc.63m Yellow, Green, Blue, White. Posts are spaced the standard 3/4 inch spacing mate dual banana plugs.45m not use circuits where transient (13.062in 0.18m 0.254m 0.22m open33 Vrms/70 Vdc.458in“ td.46mm) 1.98in (50. odel# 4243Accepts standard banana plugs and 0.32mm)
37 50-* 60-* 70-*
Gold-plated brass Bright tin-plated brass Gold-plated tellurium copper
Hex Head Binding Post
x-hole 0. Colors: Black, Red, (11.080in (2.16in (4.8 Panel Cut-Out
0. open 0.75in (19.10in (2.26m )0. Sold pkgs.70m 0.50in (12.54mm) cross-hole.63in (16.05m 0.44in (11.70m 0. not use circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage.60mm)
0.6mm) 0.
Insu tion: Polycarbonate. 15A, +239°F (+115°C) max.75in (19. Rating: For compliance and personal safety, not hold hand when voltages exceed Vrms/70 Vdc.254mm)
0.58in (14.38in (35.490in (12. Sold unassembled.65m 0.37mm)
Rating: 30A current. Maximum voltage for hands free use.38in (9.53mm) thick. 0.9in 8.05mm) ria Binding Post: bright tin-plated brass; Insulation: polycarbonate. 0. with insulation 0.05m Panel Cut-Out
Spring Loaded Binding Post
M odel# Base 6883 6884 Standard Raised Base 0.00in 0.08in (2.06mm).05m )
C 0. 0.94in (49.06in (1.65m 0.375in (9.53in (13.11mm) Meets MIL-P-55149/1A. Colors: Black, Red.89m (20. 315in Panel Cut-Out
Binding Post with Double Mounting
Spring Loaded Binding Post
. td