Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 34 z 113

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Poznámky redaktora
50in (12. Panel Thickness 3580 4388* 5219 lug (f) lug (f) lug (f) 0.31in (33.53in (38.14in (3.4mm) M odel# 6706 line, with nut and washer ria Machined, nickel-plated brass.375in (9. 26 t m Lug 1.15m O.70m ) Use twinaxial cable types RG108 and Belden 9272.70mm) 1.25in (6. Belden triaxial 9222 0.20mm) (F) PCB Edge Mount. 0.56m ) J_ _ 3580 0.35m 0.175in (4.5m (1270m 5219 *Hermetically sealed leakage less than 10-7 cc/ sec tracer gas one atmosphere.50in 0.16in (29.94m 5178 T ria Body/Fittings: tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Center Contact: female.46mm) M ax.65m j r + Panel Cut-Out F PCB Mount Connectors 1. gold-plated beryllium copper; Outer Contact: gold-plated beryllium copper; Dieletric: PTFE. ria Body: tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Contact: male.70mm) ating: Maximum voltage for hands free use.86mm) 0.53m ) 0. F within Series Adapters 1.86m 1. i š 4661 0.031in (26.46mm) 0. 0. ria xia Body/Fittings: tarnish resistant nickelplated brass; Center Contact: female. gold-plated beryllium copper; Dieletric: PTFE.35m 0.7m ) 5056 5218 i Ž i f Triaxial: Body/Fittings: tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Center Contact: male. Panel Cut-Out 4661 ax.43in (36. ■ 1 0.25in (6. gold-plated Bbrass; female.92in (23. Cut-Out 5178 Triaxial Female Bulkhead Receptacles 1.35in_ Cut-Out 3580 and 4388 0.27mm) 1.7m 5290 3 Lug Triaxial Adapters m í f Lug 5290 I, r 13 9in (35.242in (6.453in (16.D.24mm) 4388 0.D.14in (3. Designed for fast installation with crimping.47in_ (12.56m ) M icrodot 293-3930 0.4mm) 0. 500 -85 +329°F (-65 +165°C). ating: Maximum voltage for hands free use. Panel Thickness 5178 Lug (f) Lug (f) 0.417in_ (10. 500 Vrm -85 +329T (-65 +165°C).47in_ (11. gold-plated beryllium copper; Outer Contact: goldplated beryllium copper; Dieletric: PTFE.59mm)( Panel Cut- Out 5219 Twinax Cable Plug 1. gold-plated beryllium copper; Outer Contact: gold-plated beryllium copper; Dieletric: PTFE.32mm) 3600/5056 (Mates with 3580 ates and 4388) 5218 (Mates with 5219) 1.68m Polarized Contact (One Male, One Female).25in (6.35in (8.50in (12. F Female Female Bulkhead Receptacle L__ 0. Panel Thickness Fits Cable Types Belden twinaxial 9272 0.13in (28.38in“ (9.53in (38.01m j 0. aterial: Body:tarnish resistant nickel-plated brass; Contact: male: gold-plated brass; female: gold-plated beryllium copper; Dieietric: PTFE.D.242in (6.35m 0. . Simply strip cable and push connector on. Precision machined brass with gold plating.15m O.3mm) M odel# 6712 6713 Type /f) Right angle /f) line, Push-on 1| i M ria Machined, nickel-plated brass 6712 6713 w m *see rating message start section. Twinax Bulkhead Receptacle 1.80in ___J (20.16in (29.60in (15.0in (25.31m 0. Polarized Contact (One Male, One Female).13in (28.45m O.Coaxial Connectors, Adapters and Kits Triaxial Cable Plugs and Jacks f M odel# 3600 4661 Lugs Lug (m) Lug (f) Lug (m) Lug (m) M ax.50in (12. gold-plated brass; female