Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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090 Video Plug 6519 BNC Mini-WECO Adapter 3840-75 BNC (m) Resistor Terminator Plug, n BNC Banana Plug and Binding Post Adapter Kit assortment many Pomona’s ost popular BNC Kit ntains one each: BNC Female Stacking Double Banana Plug BNC Male Stacking Double Banana Plug BNC Male Stackable Binding Posts BNC Female Stackable Binding Posts BNC Female Female BNC Male Male adapters. Allows direct adaptation ithout intermediate couplers. 58C/U, 195” O. Female center contacts are gold plated heat treated beryllium copper. 7/16 DIN Adapter Kit 1 ■ IVIUUCI7I i M odel# 6254 1 1 15 This kit will enable the field service technician connect equipment that has 7/16 DIN connectors other equipment that has Type connectors. Allows direct adaptation without intermediate couplers.2m 60in (1.Coaxial Connectors, Adapters and Kits N Adapter Kit 1M odel# 72932 72932 A consolidated kit including the ost frequently used Type adapt­ ers rugged pistol-grip case. Insulation material high density PTFE. Kit contains 6737 BNC f/f Adapter 6738 BNC f/f/f Adapter 6739 BNC f/m Adapter 6740 BNC m/m Adapter 6754 BNC (F/M/F) Adapter, In-Line, 6779 BNC (m) (f), 75Q 6780 BNC (f) (f), 75Q 6781 BNC (f) (m), 75Q 6782 BNC (m) (m), n 1297 Adapter, BNC(f), Phono Plug 3837 BNC (f)/Tini Plug 4043 Adapter, BNC(M), Phono Jack 4267 BNC (f)/M icroplug 5319 BNC Female Phono Plug 4054 BNC Phono Jack Adapter 4719 BNC (f)/Bantam Plug 5008 BNC (f)/. The key feature the 7/16 DIN connec­ the extremely high resistance inter-modulation interference. Female center contacts are gold plated heat treated beryllium copper. Insulation material high density PTFE.8m ) Make cable assemblies with any the adapters the universal adapter kits. Kit contains: 3288 Male BNC Female 3535 Female BNC Male 3841 Inline Female Female 3842 Inline Male Male 3843 Right Angle Female Male 4286 Male SMA Male 4297 Male SMA Female 4298 Female SMA Male 4299 Female SMA Female 5089 Style Female Female Female 4240-50 Terminator Plug 4240-75 Terminator Plug Kit ntains one each: 6256 7/16 DIN Male Type Male Adapter 6257 7/16 DIN Male Type Female Adapter 6259 7/16 DIN Female Type Male Adapter 6260 7/16 DIN Female Type Female Adapter 7/16 DIN Male 7/16 DIN Female Right Angle Adapter 7/16 DIN Female 7/16 DIN Female Splice All parts are protected custom zippered case with die cut foam padding.6m 36in (0.9m 48in (1. All parts are precision machined brass, not diecast, with tarnish resistant nickel plating. Male center pin con­ tacts are gold plated brass.5m 72in (1. assortment the ost useful adapters for conversion between 7/16 DIN and Type N. These connectors are used cellular phone and PCS systems reduce interference crowded cell sites and also radio, television and repeater sites. *see rating message start section. Male center pin contacts are gold plated brass. w m . Universal Adapter Cable M odel# 5749-24 5749-36 5749-48 5749-60 5749-72 Length 24in (0. Broadcast BNC Adapter Kit M odel# 72933 comprehensive kit including the ost frequently used BNC adapters rugged pistol-grip case. All parts are precision machined brass, not die-cast, with tarnish resistant nickel plating.D. These connectors are not compatible, but both are com only found the same types telephone equipment and test equipment