Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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9 _J 1 (22.40m ), SMA Male 50Q Cable I 174/U 4846-K-24 4846-K-48 4846-K-60 316/U 4846-BB-24 4846-BB-48 4846-BB-60 142B/U 4846-X-24 4846-X-48 4846-X-60 Length 24in (0.5m 24in (0.58in (90.2m 60in ,5m) SMA Male Type ‘N’ Male 50Q Cable h 1.06in I RG 316/U 4935-BB-24 4935-BB-48 4935-BB-60 Length 24in (0. See art page additional wire and cable specifications. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.6m 48in (1.40m ) BNC: rfy tarnish resistant nickelplated brass; Center Contact: goldplated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.OOin (25. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.40in (35.5m 24in (0. 1 . ;a s 3 ¥ *see rating message start section.OOin (25.2m | 9 Rating: Maximum voltage hands free use.86m 1 eL RG 316/U 4813-BB-24 I Length 24in (0. 1,000 Vrm Type N’: Body: white bronze-plated brass; Center Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE. 1 .Coaxial Cable Assemblies and Breakouts BNC Female 50n Cable with Molded Strain Relief ■3.2m 60in ,5m) Type ‘N ’ Male 50Q Cable 1.93m) - M odel# 4277-C -24 4277-C-48 Length 24in (0. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications._ _ \ R ating: Maximum voltage hands free use.00in (F): gold-plated, beryllium copper center contact; Dielectric: PTFE. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.2m 60in ,5m) ______ _ 24in (0. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.6m 48in (1.48in (37. __1. SMA: Body/Fittings: passivated stainless steel; Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE. train elief: PVC molded directly cable and connectors.2m 60in ,5m) .6m 48in (1. SMA Male Right Angle 50Q Cable 0. h- SMA: Body/Fittings: passivated stainless steel; Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.2m 60in ,5m) 176 9?m n R ating: Maximum voltage for hands free use: 335 Vrm SMA: Body/Fittings: passivated stainless steel; Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.6m 48in (1. w m . SMA: Body/Fittings: passivated stainless steel; Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.9m 48in (1.6m ) I | ' SMA: Body/Fittings: passivated stainless steel; Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE.56mm) M odel# 5058-X-36 5058-X-48 5058-X-60 Length 36in (0.59mm) M odel# 1658-T-18 1658-T-24 1658-T-36 1658-T-48 1658-T-60 Length 18in (0. See chart page additional wire and cable specifications.2m 60in (1.9m 48in (1.2m ) SMA Male SMA Female L 1 I 174/U 4528-K-48 316/U 4528-BB-60 142B/U 4528-X-24 4528-X-48 | Length 48in (1.6m 36in (0. BNC Male SMA Male 50Q Teflon Insulated Cable L 1. 500 Vrm BNC: Body: tarnish resistant nickelplated brass; Center Contact: goldplated beryllium copper; Dieletric: PTFE.2m 60in ,5m) 24in (0.6m 48in (1.6m 48in (1. Type ‘N’ Body: white bronze-plated brass; Center Contact: gold-plated brass; Dielectric: PTFE