Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Pomona E C S Featuring ergonom design ith com fort grip, lly insulated, and ith 500 MHz bandwidth, these probes provide plenty headroom those high frequency measurements.cc Modular Passive scilloscope Probes Technical Support U technicalsupport@ pomonatest. Shown page 77 For Distributor Locations: United States and International www.pomonaelectronics. odular design, the probe handle capable receiving variety spring-loaded and fixed tips, providing greater testing versatility.New Products Insulated scilloscope Probes for Portable Applications 4 Pomona's quality connectors and test accessories are the one answer you need when reliable signal demanded. W ith CAT II, 600V (CAT III, 300V) rating, these probes are perfect use ith portable oscilloscopes.com +31(0) 2675 150 rld 1-425-446-5500 Featuring new, com pact, ergonom ically designed probe handle, these odular general purpose passive voltage probes are ideal use ith wide variety oscilloscopes. Shown pages 76-77 w m .pomona.com Europe www