Měřicí příslušenství BEHA, POMONA, FLUKE

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Měřicí příslušenství pro běžná měření. Testovací vodiče, krokosvorky, hroty, příchytky atd.

Autor: GHV Trading

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Pomona products are intended used accordance ith the specifications this cata­ log. Product availability, prices and delivery dates are subject Pom ona’s ord confirm ation form The same applies orders based developm ent samples delivered.Many ays Find nsw ers Pomona. You can click the “Check Stock Availability” link from the left-hand navigation colum select iew Distributor Stock], enter the odel ber into the box, and click O]. 1. hile you are the Technical upport section our website, you can also refer selector guides, view request catalog, directly the specific product inform ation you seek. Pomona ill not liable buyer for any amount exceeding the purchase price the product which proves defective. Nothing this catalog construed offer. 3. Technical Support techsupport@ pom onatest. Check Stock Availability O nce you have specific ona odel num ber you are interested in, you can ediately find distributor with stock hand. Search Model # Enter the odel num the ona product into the [Search Model No. Pomona ill not responsible liable any patent infringem ents other rights third parties, which may result from the use this catalog. Print RoHS Compliance Certificate Also, you can find RoHS Com pliance Certifications the left-hand navigation colum selecting pliant Products] and selecting the odel you are looking ake the ona site “favorite” place “go to” when you need the rld ost com plete line quality test accessories. hichever ethod you choose, you will presented ith odel num bers and “pdf” hotkeys which will take you directly specification inform ation the product you ant. 2. You will presented with list distribu­ tors with that part hand. E S You can quickly find complete product specifications and discover Pomona’s newest product announcements when you visit our website: . limited warranty applies Pomona products.pom onaelectronics. Search Keywords Sim ply click [Search Keywords] the lefthand colum the hom epage.] box and select [GO].com Because technical questions about products applications can arise alm ost anywhere, ona offers technical sup port with qualified resource via e-m ail visiting the ona website.com N are fin looking r. Then enter the description the product the keywords box and select [GO]. Registered tradem arks used this catalog are the property respective companies. Pomona ill not liable for any loss, damage, cost repair, incidental consequential damages any kind, arising connection with the design, manufacture, sale, repair the products, whether based express implied contract, negligence strict liability. use application that deviates from those specifications may dangerous. w tro m . Search Category From the hom epage, select iew Products] under either “Test and easurem ent” “Broadcast/ ultim edia” You will see list product categories from hich choose