The Lighting Handbook ZG

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Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

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Every general lighting lamp can pre- cisely designated according the LBS coding system abbreviation consisting of letters and numbers. . And there are standards and non-proprietary documents that use gen- eral designations. Lamp manufacturers use their own product name for each lamp. This makes sense because many lamps are standardised and are therefore interchangeable regar­ dless of make. International standards use another system ILCOS2. Many luminaire manufacturers use the LBS coding system specify appropriate lamps for their luminaires regardless the names used lamp manufacturers. The table below compares the designations used various systems.98 The Lighting Handbook Lamp designations LBS (ZVEI) ILCOS OSRAM PHILIPS SYLVANIA A60 IAA CLASSIC TONE Normal QR-CBC HRGI DECOSTAR MASTERline Precise Professional QPAR HEGPAR HALOPAR PAR PAR Hi-Spot TC DULUX PL-S BIAX Lynx CF-S TC-T FSM DULUX PL-T BIAX Lynx CF-T TC-L FSD DULUX PL-L BIAX Lynx CF-L T16 FDH-G5-16 FH, TL’5 HE, FHE, FHO T26 FD-G13-26 TL’D F HME HQL HPL HSL HIT HQI-T, HCI-T MHN/W-T, CDM-T Arcstream T, Kolarc CMH HSI-T, CMI-T HST ST, STM, NAV-T SON-T, SDW-T Lucalox SHP-T 1 LBS Lampen-Bezeichnungs-System [Lamp Code System], standardised system for designating electric lamps for general lighting (luminaire manufacturers) 2 ILCOS International Lamp COding System (lamp manufacturers), Standard IEC 61231/DIN 49805 Various systems are used designate lamps. The LBS1 coding system, which was devised the Central Association of German Electrical and Electronic Industries (ZVEI), provides extremely useful over- view