50 in
very dirty environments.
height 0.The Lighting Handbook
Standard values for lighting indoor and outdoor workplaces
and sports facility lighting
Tables and figures were taken from the
European standards. The
UGR value calculated the design process
must lie below this.
“Lighting indoor workplaces”,
EN 12464-1
(June 2011)
“Lighting outdoor workplaces”,
EN 12464-2
(October 2007)
“Sports facility lighting”, 12193
(April 2008)
The following limits have been specified in
the tables:
Illuminance levels must not fall below
the maintenance
values the visual
task area.
UGRL the upper limit for direct glare.
Where individual maintenance data is
available, the following values are recom-
mended reference maintenance factors for
modern technology and three-yearly mainte-
nance: 0.67
clean atmosphere, and 0.
Uniformity the ratio between the
lowest (Emin) and the mean illuminance level
(Ē) the area evaluated. The the selected lamp must be
equal greater than this value.00. The result is
a minimum level. the precise location not
known, the limit should applied the
whole room
specific working area.
Example for office task area:
The maintenance factors can deter‑
mined case-by-case basis, according
to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Ra the lower limit for the colour rendering
index.75 m
task area
user floor-area
EN 12464 specifies that the lighting
designer must document the maintenance
factor and maintenance schedule