Poznámky redaktora
We improve the quality and effect light private domestic and living space
Thanks our unique network architects and planners, our
application knowledge and the latest LED and control technology
We cut installation and operating costs
Through our profound understanding users’ needs, smart,
sustainable lighting solutions and professional support all phases
of project
We encourage well-being and health
Through bioactive lighting systems and settings, developed the
basis continuous research.
The living area can also have supportive
biological effect health. Dynamic light
scenes are defined create natural and
healthy transition relaxing sleep the
evening with reduced, reddish light. later becomes the
central communication point welcome
guests with glass champagne cosy
reddish, dimmed light.
Application areas
Light for Living
Customer benefits lighting management and Active Light
. the
morning, the special sense cells the retina
are activated the highest intensity through
a higher share bluish light.
For example, kitchen-cum-living room with
a high luminous intensity and light with few
shadows can optimised for the needs of
work the kitchen.68
The Lighting Handbook
Scenes can comfortably recalled the
press button with the control units. The
mood room can changed completely
by defined static dynamic lighting scenes