The Lighting Handbook ZG

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

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years ago. Advanced materials –30% Today’s reflectors and innovative surface finishes provide for more efficient luminaires. Use daylight –60% The LUXMATE daylight-based lighting control system provides for high energy savings where sufficient daylight available. Improvement lamps and control gear –40% Innovations the electronic control lamps, optimised temperatures and improvements the lamps’ physical properties provide for extensive savings. 3. The potentials stated draw comparison between con­ temporary lighting solution options available today with the technology approx. Saving energy, CO₂ and costs Potential savings 1. The savings apply only case-by-case basis. .211 The Lighting Handbook General information Refurbishment lighting systems The following list provides clues for discussion with the customer. Taking ageing into account –17% The balance between the new value and minimum illuminance can be saved dimmable control (Maintenance Control). Taking room utilisation into account –25% Using presence detectors time-based control system, the lighting can adjusted precisely the time/s use. several measures are taken, they will complement each other without the levels adding up. 5. project, viable savings must accura­ tely calculated the design stage. 4. 1. 2