The Lighting Handbook ZG

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

Strana 149 z 244

Poznámky redaktora
200 circuit Battery voltage 216 nominal (189–249 V) DC output power depends the available battery capacity Battery power depending nominal duration battery-powered operation 1) 2) 3) Battery type System voltage Max. 750 per SUB3) max.0 216 479 697 1040 1490 2730 3750 .4) ONLITE central eBox Accu [V] 0. 200 per circuit max.0 216 233 324 487 640 1215 1993 24.12. system output including ageing reserve prescribed by the standard (EN 171 6.2 216 131 178 274 381 656 1085 12. 750 per SUB3) max. per SCM 750 W/200 per circuit max.5 h 7. 2x0. 5500 output in case full capacity 5-pole (from the main station L/N/PE/B+/B-) 5-pole (from the main station L/N/PE/B+/B-) 5-pole (from the main station L/N/PE/B+/B-) two core cable min. 200 per circuit max.149 The Lighting Handbook eBox 1200 Main station eBox SUB E60 Fireproof substation eBox SUB IP65 Substation eBox SUB IP20 Substation 30 overall internal, 24 external for SUB each with double circuits) 3 OCM modules with 2 outputs circuits per module 3 OCM modules with 2 outputs circuits per module 3 OCM modules with 2 outputs circuits per module 600 overall 120 internal 120 per SUB external 120 pcs 120 pcs 120 pcs 3-pole (L/N/PE) 230/240 10% max. 750 per SUB3) max.75 mm2 two core cable to main station two core cable to main station two core cable to main station 5000 per SCM 1000 VA 1000 per SUB 420 per OCM 1000 per SUB 420 per OCM 1000 per SUB 420 per OCM 1215 bei Ah2) accommodated the cabinet max