Klasifikace vzorů pomocí fuzzy neuronových sítí

| Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce  | Tento dokument chci!

Práce popisuje základy principu funkčnosti neuronů a vytvoření umělých neuronových sítí. Je zde důkladně popsána struktura a funkce neuronů a ukázán nejpoužívanější algoritmus pro učení neuronů. Základy fuzzy logiky, včetně jejich výhod a nevýhod, jsou rovněž prezentovány. Detailněji je popsán algoritmus zpětného šíření chyb a adaptivní neuro-fuzzy inferenční systém. Tyto techniky poskytují efektivní způsoby učení neuronových sítí.

Vydal: FCC Public s. r. o. Autor: Tamás Ollé

Strana 41 z 67

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These clusters are used for simplification of the input side the network. Its listing included Appendix. The function genfis2 creates Sugeno-type FIS structure. Its iterations are run parallel increasing the computing speed. the beginning this script, the parallel processing toolbox is initialized the command matlabpool open. The purpose the first part read the parameters the test voice recordings.m.32 7. For the purpose this work, the practical usage ANFIS heavily limited its high demands on processing power for the case higher number inputs and second level neurons. this case means very high number created membership functions and second level neurons. Subsequently, some clusters are merged together based preset distance criterion, then the new cluster centers are calculated. Firstly, the given network has created. This approach significantly increases the maximal number usable inputs the system. mode='anfis'; %mode='nnv'; The data reading implemented the wavload function, which receives as input parameters the path the directory containing training files and the number of output parameters. Therefore, special function was used for the creation these functions and network nodes which analyses the input data and searches for existing clusters it. This method tries to make use existing patterns simplify the input part the network. In the case the mode set 'anfis', the parfor cycle used for the creation and learning three ANFIS networks, each for one output variable. The usage this toolbox greatly increases the processing speed case the processor multi-cored there are more computers available. . THE REALIZATION THE PROGRAM This chapter serves demonstrate the program built Matlab. For the selection of the operation mode, the variable mode has set 'anfis' 'nnv' by commenting and uncommenting the individual lines. For the creation of input rules, the subtractive cluster analysis method used. Parfor part of the parallel processing toolbox. The basic task network creation takes into account all combinations inputs and membership functions. The program itself can separated into parts: ANFIS using the Matlab's Fuzzy Logic Toolbox ('anfis') and the individually built neural network based the backpropagation algorithm presented Chapter ('nnv'). This program serves for probing ANFIS well neural networks. The main program the script file spust. The subtractive clustering initially assumes all data points clusters.The next part the code brings into effect the actual learning the network