Katalogové listy Vyrtych 2408

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: VYRTYCH a.s.

Strana 217 z 222

Poznámky redaktora
Easy and fast mounting Accessories request 051232 Set safety suspension ODIS On request MULTI maintained emergency lighting always (standard luminaire with emergency lighting module) (Ih, 3h) DIM dimmable electronic ballast (DALI2) RAL-other colour scale 3000/4000/5000/6500 -colourtemperatures CLICK- modification for click system Code luminaire GDIS-LED-L-M625-S0-GLM-3300-840JP66/IP50 name of luminaire linear LED shape luminous light modules type luminaire type fh.vnficn ORI and Protection protection source inside ceiling R/SQ diffuser LED from below from above umuser source value L ig h tin g fix tu re s fo r clean room s You can find the ODIS-LED video here: VYRTYCH