HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems

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High-temperature superconductor technology(HTS) is the key technology fortomorrow’s electricity market. Compared with copper conductors, HTS ceramic cableshave a number of signifi cant advantages. For example they can conduct electric current without resistance at app. 200°C below zero. Transmission capacity is five timeshigher than that of conductors made of copper, while current loss is reduced to one tenth. The development of HTS cables is inseparably linked to the name nkt cables. However, nkt cables is not just one of the ...

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Poznámky redaktora
A smaller parallel duct installed near the cryostat. With this offer ensured that skilled personnel takes care the supercon- ducting cables. Optionally, some the fibres can used for communication. Service Contracts Service contracts are offered where the task of maintaining the cable installations good condition transferred the shoulders of nkt cables.9 To sum up: Making use nkt cables’ expertise and engineering assistance already in the design stage, the first step for smooth realization the project. Regular checks the condi- tions and, necessary, initiation remedial action early stage guarantee the value of the assets. Any damage to, degradation in the cryostat will show temperature signal the location the damage. Fibres for thermal monitoring can provided external skid wires the case retrofit into existing duct where no parallel duct available. Optical fibres are pulled into the duct and used for distributed temperature sensing. Our engineers can provide electrical data, thermal simulations and proposed cable-system layouts part of early system studies evaluate the best cable solutions. Thermal Monitoring and Damage Detection Engeneering assistance nkt cables can provide advanced enginee- ring services already the early planning stage project. . Making use nkt cables’ ex- pertise and engineering assistance already in the design stage the first step for smooth realization your project