HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems

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High-temperature superconductor technology(HTS) is the key technology fortomorrow’s electricity market. Compared with copper conductors, HTS ceramic cableshave a number of signifi cant advantages. For example they can conduct electric current without resistance at app. 200°C below zero. Transmission capacity is five timeshigher than that of conductors made of copper, while current loss is reduced to one tenth. The development of HTS cables is inseparably linked to the name nkt cables. However, nkt cables is not just one of the ...

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There are special requirements the thermal properties of the refill, since the HTS Triax™ Energy Cable does not release heat into the trench. The old cable sent for recycling, while the duct is cleaned and lubricated. Any open trenches can be re-closed even before the cable installation starts, and the access-holes need stay open for only minimum amount time. 2). Spacings are left between successive cryostats. Step two The HTS Triax™ cable core provided in lengths km. In the case retrofit into existing duct, the old cables are removed through access holes located the old cable joints.8 Making easy … The HTS Triax™ Energy Cables are well- suited for installation high-density city areas where disturbances traffic and infrastructure need kept minimum. Step one In the first installation step, the thermally insulating tube (the “Cryostat”) provided in lengths 100-700 Shorter sections are joined together they are pulled into the duct, for distances 500-700 at a time (Fig. Fig. 1 Fig. The work outside the station areas now complete and there are no further disturbances the public space. inserted one end of the trench, and pulled through several cry- ostat sections, with the help cable pushers placed the spacings between cryostat sec- tions (Fig. Culmination The HTS Triax™ Energy Cable system is completed terminating the cable the sta- tion areas, and connecting and starting the cooling system. The cryostats are provided as flexible rigid sections, depending the curvature the cable route.1). With nkt cables’ HTS Two-Step™ Installation approach, the cable joints can spaced up to apart and there only one joint per three-phase cable. Cable over-length introduced through patented procedure that the thermal shrinkage can be accommodated. 2 Installation and Protection HTS Two-Step™ Installation . nkt cables has developed innovative new installation procedure, the HTS Two- Prelude In the prelude the installation procedure, the trench excavated, ducts are instal- led, and concrete other suitable protection is installed. soon the cable place, the cryostat sections are joined together, and the access holes can closed. Step™ Installation, where the cable core can be installed separately from the thermally insulating tube. The trench then re-closed with rock, sand soil. This gives higher flexibility and quicker response the requirements of each installation site, and above all, reduces the number cable joints