HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems

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High-temperature superconductor technology(HTS) is the key technology fortomorrow’s electricity market. Compared with copper conductors, HTS ceramic cableshave a number of signifi cant advantages. For example they can conduct electric current without resistance at app. 200°C below zero. Transmission capacity is five timeshigher than that of conductors made of copper, while current loss is reduced to one tenth. The development of HTS cables is inseparably linked to the name nkt cables. However, nkt cables is not just one of the ...

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Poznámky redaktora
5, and 0.5 17.5 models **available 15, 25,38, 8and models ***available 121, and 170 models 2 “Yellow”: Malfunction Manually disconnect w/o customer interruption 3 “Red”: Urgent malfunction – Automatic disconnect with customer interruption The service provider can perform remote dia- gnostics through advanced monitoring sys- tem with complete access all system sensors. .7 These data are treated and analyzed automa- tically. The surveillance system collects data temperature, pressure and flow the cooling medium, the temperatures of the terminations and joints load and the operastional status the cooling machinery and back-up systems. 0/50 31/0 0/63 BIL 125 350 110 650 making time 7 breaking time 60 *available 12, 1. 3000 000 8000 000 3600 3000 000 000 Short-circuit, max. High-current Switchgear nkt cables can facilitate contacts switchgear suppliers. The cable system operator supplied with one four simple status commands: 0 zero: The cable system under service not energize 1 “Green”: The cable system ready to operate Monitoring System The HTS Triax™ Energy Cable monitored 2 per day, days week advanced surveillance system. Examples H Type Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Model HVX VAH VAH PMI SPS2 PMI Ventilation passive passive active active passive passive passive passive Rated voltage 17.5 12* 15** 15*** Rated current, max. The following are examples commercially available switchgear products from various suppliers (2007)