HTS Triax™ Energy Cable Systems

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High-temperature superconductor technology(HTS) is the key technology fortomorrow’s electricity market. Compared with copper conductors, HTS ceramic cableshave a number of signifi cant advantages. For example they can conduct electric current without resistance at app. 200°C below zero. Transmission capacity is five timeshigher than that of conductors made of copper, while current loss is reduced to one tenth. The development of HTS cables is inseparably linked to the name nkt cables. However, nkt cables is not just one of the ...

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Recently, NKT Research, nkt cables’ sister company, carried out revolutionary research materials tech- nology. This ensured combination certified quality control throughout the production process and the use raw material from approved sub-suppliers only. Please contact learn how you can best dispose your cable waste. This research enabled nkt cables to begin the production fibre optical cables as early 1980 and put the world’s first superconducting cable public network 2001. This places nkt cables fine position international competition and secures flexibility adapt rapidly changing market requirements. We take our environmental responsibility seriously, for which reason environmental considerations play important role all departments our company, irrespective of it being question product development, production working processes removal of worn-out products. These tests are performed compliance with customer requirements and various national and inter- national standards like IEC, EN, VDE, NF, BS, NEN, AEIC and others. Research plays important role in all parts nkt cables. nkt cables was the first company the world introduce lead- free PVC cables which the poisonous lead stabilizers had been replaced the relatively harmless calcium and zinc stabilizers. this way minimize the environmental impact related the pro- duct life cycle: production use removal. nkt cables’ technicians are internationally recognized for their specialized knowledge in compound development. nkt cables course certified according to ISO 9001. recycle cable waste our environmentally approved recycling plant Stenlille. The laboratories perform electrical tests the cables. For not only question considering the environment when recycling and recover- ing cable waste. The idea was good that the Danish Minister for Environment and Energy prohibited marke- ting cables with leaded PVC after December 1, 2001. Environmental considerations are also decisive our selection materials and suppliers well the planning of production processes. Newly devel- oped cables and accessories are subjected to tests the field lasting several years and comprising electrical and thermal stressing far beyond what can expected during normal operation. We know how nkt cables’ laboratory researches and develops environmentally sustainable plastic materials for cables and leads and also handles quality control raw materials and finished goods. A complete recycling concept for all recyclable cable types By virtue years experience within cable recycling, are the only European cable manufacturer with complete recycling con- cept for all recyclable cable types.10 Testing cables and accessories com- prises routine and special tests performed in the factory well tests site after completion the installation. Quality from beginning end Quality from beginning end essential part nkt cables’ manufacturing philosophy. Type tests and long-term tests have been made components and also for qualifica- tion complete cable systems. Of course also assist our customers to act the best interest the environment. Our plant Stenlille is among the first 100 Danish companies with DS/EN ISO 1001 certification. Testing Research Development Innovation