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Poznámky redaktora
. Much the chaotic atmosphere of the lab was provided the many youths who worked there.Ill- 8 the growing complexity Edison's personal finances led an increase Tate's staff include stenographer (Thomas Maguire), and number boys. They guarded the main gate and helped administer the store rooms. They were dispatched obtain everything from newspapers supplies. Like every other businessman his times, Edison used child labor his laboratories. They were were often called lazy, difficult, and boisterous other workers, but the lab could not have functioned without them. They performed variety very important functions: they did the fetch-and-carry work, the dirty menial tasks— such as washing out experimental apparatus— and they operated the eyes and ears the lab, carrying messages and materials around. Whatever the fairness of their employ, the children were vital part the lab's operations and communications.^ Working conditions were certainly better than tanning, mining and metallurgy. Boys even carried out semi-skilled clerical work, such copying letters, typing, and assisting with the bookkeeping