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The sheer volume the work done West Orange and . These were no mere academic pursuits.Ill- 7 perfected the Edison laboratory.Tate, who became indispensable Edison business manager and personal secretary. The other Edison electrical companies carried the same practice, drawing the laboratory's position source higher education the Edison enterprise. Edison's labor force also included administrators and clerks, notwithstanding his well publicized disdain for office work. Insull was succeeded as secretary protege, Alfred O. fact, was stickler for accurate record keeping, and determined find the costs experimentation. well dealing with all company business, Tate also handled Edison's voluminous correspondence and his family affairs. Samuel Insull had defined the position private secretary to Edison and made him very important person the hierarchy of the laboratory.^ The Edison Machine Works kept some their men the lab work projects which they were interested, and they paid the men's wages. the old days Newark and Menlo Park, the administration the laboratory had been carried out Edison's personal secretary who doubled bookkeeper, chief clerk, and general assistant. West Orange, Edison employed secretaries who not only carried out bookkeeping duties, but also had power of attorney deal with financial affairs. The requirements patent law made a daily record experiments neccessity and financial backers required breakdowns experimental costs