Insull noted that this company was "formed for the purpose of
supplying Edison with funds for carrying out experiments in
connection with the development the electric lighting
system. Edison held majority
control the shops and after 1886 they provided him with a
steady income and plenty business for his laboratory. The highly
competitive market for electrical goods placed premium on
technological innovation, and Edison's West Orange laboratory
was built with this mind." ^
Several manufacturing concerns had been founded Edison
to provide the equipment with which the Edison illuminating
companies were electrifying America, including the Edison
Machine Works and Bergmann and Co.II- 7
industry founded Edison had created perfect market for the
services research laboratory— new products and processes
were needed and engineering support was demand.
While the manufacturing concerns could relied upon to
purchase specific engineering services like production
. Edison had appreciated the need to
continue R&D work electricity when first began to
organize his lighting companies. These manufacturing shops,
as they were called, became important customers for the
laboratory, which was kept busy continually improving the
design all parts the Edison system. The Edison Electric Light
Company, the holder Edison's patents and the licenser of
local illuminating companies, was conceived Edison to
support the great costs the experimental effort