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Poznámky redaktora
The Edison Electric Light Company also supported research that would help its commercial position and thwart the competition, such the physiological experiments the effect of electricity the human body, used the campaign against 12 alternating current. organized the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company 1878 support the development his fragile tinfoil instrument and market its novelty value. Edison's invention the phonograph 1877 had brought him great fame but few profits. It contracted for wide range experiments from the Edison laboratory, ranging from measuring the resistance power lines devising ways kill bugs with electricity. Beyond electric lighting, Edison had identified two other major industries promoted once had finished the West Orange laboratory. The phonograph and ore milling businesses were based (respectively) new products and processes, and both were still the development phase: their successful conclusion depended further innovation West Orange. The Company put $10,000 support Edison's experiments to improve the invention but little was done because his time was taken with electricity. Once the electric light system had been completed, Edison returned the phonograph and expected .II- 8 engineering— making products cheaper and easier to manufacture— new product design from the lab, the Edison Electric Light Company was often the customer for basic scientific research related the Edison lighting system