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Poznámky redaktora
The ideal financial basis for research, envisaged Edison, was profitable manufacturing operation. His normal practice was form a manufacturing organization soon experimental project had proved its commercial viability, and then bill development work the new company.II- 6 companies set Edison manufacture his inventions. Research and development electricity naturally promised major occupation the West Orange laboratory. The company provided the money support research and pay for the construction of manufacturing facilities. Edison usually formed separate company absorb the costs developing each one his innovations, such the Edison-Sims Torpedo Company the Edison Ore Milling Company. this way continuous research could be included the costs production. other cases the company was partially owned Edison was the major shareholder. The physical layout the laboratory— with Buildings and heavily involved electricity— reflects an emphasis electrical work. Supporting research from the profits manufacturing had been a basic strategy for financing his work. Edison was sometimes the sole owner the company and therefore the financing R&D was simply matter of transfering his funds assets. The rapid growth the electrical . Edison was the majority stockholder, ran the Works, and decided its R&D needs. The means financing the Edison Phonograph Works, for example, was the sale shares investors