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Poznámky redaktora
This carefully-choreographed exercise public relations was promoted the electric utilities, who had come to appreciate the value good image.XIV-18 the general public, who still imagined him working through the night the small lab rural New Jersey. The climax Edison's popularity came with the Festival Light, a celebration marking the opening Henry Ford's Greenfield Village. "The Edison laboratories" which were claimed as the starting point all his products were mysterious as the process innovation that created the products. However abstract their idea innovation and Edison's genius, Americans took Edison the man heart." The Edison laboratory existed the minds the public the Home the "Wizard," and never did shake this image, still being known the Wizard Menlo Park until his death. The fact that moved from Menlo Park and become great industrialist was lost on O C many Americans. Here were the heroes capitalism enjoying the simple life camping and hiking, and newsreel audiences were led believe that these great men acted differently from the average American. While the ceremonies at Greenfield Village were underway, the United States Congress passed resolution expressing the nation's thanks Edison "whose conquests the realm science have enriched all . His cavortings with fellow millionaire industrialists Harvey Firestone and Henry Ford captured the public's imagination. irked "the old man" end when letters arrived West Orange addressed to the "Edison laboratory, Menlo Park