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The particular ironies Edison's situation were lost on . His cement houses, for example, were not only means find a market for his cement but also force social improvement. Edison was all for "businessmen (to) use their brains . The urban poor were also the beneficiaries of another idea— automatic vending machines. Edison thought that they would provide low cost housing for the working classes."^ The great irony that Edison seemed have cared more for the unknown working man who was going benefit from his inventions than did for his own workers West Orange. All his inventions are for the 33 benefit humanity. These were intended to sell coal and the necessities life low prices..XIV-17 FINALE Edison's insistence retaining his good name, his image of benign technology, became stronger grew older and the pressures business were doubtless molified thoughts of his place history." later years, Edison spent more time on innovations that claimed were for the public good.to help the hard working man with family who doing the best can with limited intelligence. His companies proudly stated that "Edison has invented machine that will you harm. the years went forgot the questionable business manoeuvrings and the painful litigation, and concentrated the good his innovations had done.