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Poznámky redaktora
normally returned West Orange from Florida the spring, around March. In September Edison was confined his bed and the family began prepare for the funeral arrangements.XIV-19 36 human life. The newsreels taken the Festival Light show that age and illness had begun take their toll. But 1931 his health was so poor that his return was delayed until June. The fact that had close down the phonograph operation— humiliating step for the inventor the talking machine— while being honored the great innovator, indication the gulf that had arisen between between the Edison image and reality. Some progress was being made in producing rubber from goldenrod and was well pleased. When his staff asked him what was shipped back New Jersey, one word . Yet Edison was still determined keep experimenting. President Hoover had asked for daily bulletins. The great inventor's last days had been followed the world's press. was . national outpouring grief followed." Edison did return the laboratory the summer 1931 and reported for work several times. The phonograph business shows that was out step with the consuming public the 1920s. 37 answer indicated that the end was near: "Everything." Ironically, while Edison was being lionized at the Festival Light 1929, his customers were deserting the products based his traditional values and aesthetics. died on October 1931. 1930 was confined wheelchair but still continued working the rubber experiments