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Poznámky redaktora
Changing economic conditions meant that the Edison organization had "to get the most out every dollar spend", especially in experimental work. The direction the research effort was now the hands men like Stephen Mambert, Carl Wilson, and Charles Edison. One standardized shop order system was used which the managers of the lab could bill work ranging from experimenting, research and supervison the more easily billed activities tool­ making, drafting, and blueprinting. .XII-29 found replace Edison's informal financing R&D. The new system introduced the 1920s gave much more formal and closed structure laboratory finance. A scheme rationalize the laboratory was therefore undertaken 1920. Henceforth all major experimental projects needed the approval the Board Directors who appropriated the funds. The most pressing consideration was to develop the system financing the laboratory that would support long-term experimental work and the same time impose financial discipline experimental expenditures