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Even the work of the professional engineers the laboratory was closely controlled that they could not carry out research their own volition.XII-30 THE CHANGING STATUS THE LAB The lab's work become more mundane and orderly the 1920s. The lab longer employed "experimenters" and muckers but experienced engineers who came the lab from . more would gentlemen travel West Orange, drawn on by the fame Edison's laboratory, and carry out their own experiments with the inventor's permission. Instead the chaos the 1880s, there was routine and order. The product engineers had obtain purchase orders for any experimental work, and this required the approval of the management. Now the engineer was. 1920 the lab employed categories workers paid hourly basis and over weekly basis. The policy employing specialists West Orange paralleled the national tendency toward professionalization work. This policy was contrast to employment inexperienced, but flexible, help that characterized hiring practices the nineteenth century. Included the latter CO were librarians, stenographers, and engineers. 57 academia business. In the old machine shop culture West Orange the engineer was law himself and the laboratory was the guiding force the Edison enterprise