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Unfortunately, the division managers had concentrate the short-term, and the difficult financial conditions after the War they often refused pay for Edison's experiments. The increased financial stringency brought the high price capital the early 1920s, accelerated postwar depression, led important changes both the structure and the financing the lab. The lack divisional support for Edison's experiments meant that more and more research was supported him personally. funnelled several sources income into the finances the lab, including salaries from his various companies, royalties from his inventions, and private research projects. Much the financing of the West Orange laboratory this time was coming from Edison's purse. Henry Ford advanced Edison large sums money for experimental work and this became an important part his personal finances. This applied not only personal projects, such the work for Ford, but other long-term R&D ventures, especially the research into recording and reproduction which offered great potential for the future the phonograph business. Consequently, the development new primary batteries and dictating machines was supported the financial reserves the laboratory. Edison was excellent position look into the future and decide the development paths his businesses.XII-28 operated and owned Edison personally. One the most important the latter was the work done for the Ford Motor Company. bureacratic arrangement had be