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Poznámky redaktora
set work a broad range different technical problems and production jobs. Typically, Holland's work the West Orange laboratory was not confined one model one job. Edison had envisaged this application the phonograph 1878, "so make that invention auxiliary in the transmission permanent and reliable methods, instead of being the recipient momentary and fleeting communication. was too ambitious for both the available technology and the patience the user.XI- 7 with better correcting device and the new pneumatic control mechanism that was attached the speaking tube. This machine could record telephone messages automatically. was a complex machine which amplified sound from the telephone and recorded the phonograph. This was a distinct improvement the foot peddle used control the 13 machines. (Illus 11-5, telescribe ads) The telescribe was ambitious project the Edison mould. . Much his experimenting was devoted completely different concept for the dictating machine— the Edison telescribe." The telescribe brought together two inventions: the phonograph and the carbon microphone. The user operated the machine by remote control and could also dictate using separate transmitter. Edison was again attempting to steal march the competition technological innovation. After extensive R&D work, the first models were brought out 1914 and improved machine was introduced in 1918