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Poznámky redaktora
The correction device was still the clumsy scale and marker on the cylinder. The improved dictating machine 1912 came .XI- 6 # 29. This led years R&D the design sturdy recording/reproducer assembly which would not break with use, and the development correction feature. Nelson Durand insisted modifications the machine and engineering work to meet the needs the user.320) Holland's work the West Orange laboratory covered all parts the Edison dictating system: developed new reproducers, designed many different machines (including a spring driven portable machine), and produced range of controls. 1911 the only significant change the design the machine was the introduction steel case and improved electric motor. The correction device was major selling point the marketing dictating machine; the difficulty making corrections provided great deal sales resistance. The input from the marketing force was an important determinant the focus his work. Although the promotional literature for the business phonograph claimed that had correction device and repeat function, these important features were add-ons the existing machine rather than new design begun with these goals mind. Despite the long delays, which were compounded by Durand's constant interference development work, new business designs were slowly introduced onto the market 1911 and 1912