Briefly, the -Telescribe more sensitive recording instrument, adjusted to
receive the same impressions sound the human ear.
INC i»oi**Tro
in dictating, where formerly held our lips inside tube obtain sufficient volume
of sound, may now speak with even less physical force considerable distance,
However, the recording both sides our telephone talk desirable that the
Telescribe will naturally adopted many for its universal ability record all
The efficiency machine dictation well established, and standard literature
describes the operation, but the uses the Telescribe for telephone recording, while
offering even greater opportunity, more unfamiliar field.
The Telescribe consists sensitive telephone for convenient desk use,
with controlling buttons operate special recording machine, placed floor
pedestal nearby.
The following pages are consequently rather devoted Edison’s
method employing the Telescribe that will profitably used in
business for recording telephone talk.
three means distant communication—letters, telegrams (by ’phone), and telephone
For business dictation, the older form Edison Dictating Machine will still be
available and useful many instances where the maximum convenience and scope
of the Telescribe’s operation not essential.
With this electrical arrangement are able magnify the voice that dicta
tion may performed conversational distance; or, without delay, can record
all the words passing over the ordinary telephone lifting the horn (hinged for the
purpose), resting the telephone receiver its place, and listening through small
receiver attached the Telescribe. The comparatively faint
vibrations through telephone are now for the first time transferred record; or,
with freedom approaching human conditions.ion 11-4
HE name Telescribe derived from tele, far, and scribe, write—meaning,
literally, write from afar