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Initially the product engineer was have foot both camps; carried out experimental and development work the laboratory, the same time kept close watch problems in manufacture and feedback coming from sales. The new line Amberolas was designed use 44 as many standard parts possible. Many other products, such the Bates Numbering Machine, were not manufactured 1915. ^ This work was progressing slowly when the fire intervened and presented opportunity for complete reorganization of the Works. also gave Constable the chance standardize the Amberola line into three main models which all used the same mechanism, with the exception extra spring the most expensive model. important part his job was setting the purhase orders which . The fire destroyed all the work progress and enabled Edison's engineers consolidate the product line when the Works reopened. The multitude various products made the Phonograph Works had presented barrier standardized engineering practices and long production runs. this way the phonograph business was centered smaller number models.X-2 9 experience with the Amberola showed that this policy was sound, and was soon extended other models, such the disc phonograph. forcing the engineers begin again from scratch, the new systems and procedures envisaged in 1911 could instituted from the bottom up, and the result was more orderly production engineering